
Will the fuel price ever decline?

by Guest61151  |  earlier

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Will the fuel price ever decline?




  1. I think so. After the economy stabilizes, and crude prices settle down, we'll see gas prices settle in the $3.00 to $3.50 range. It might be a year or more from now however. Meanwhile, prices will hover around the $4.00 mark, going up and down almost daily.

  2. This past week they went down about 4 cents, hopefully that'll continue, but i think we'll need to resign ourselves to $4 a gallon.

  3. We Can Only Hope !

  4. I seriously doubt the U.S. will see $3/gal. again!!

  5. watch at the end of Summer

    the price will magically go down

    but you'll never see $3 a gallon again

  6. It has where I live, so far the cheapest I've seen is $3.79 a gallon, today on the radio though they were talking about prices of crude oil possibly being down to about $85 a barrel by 2009.  Gas needs to continue the trend of going back down, that alone could save everyone money for the time being.

  7. Yes, after the elections.

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