
Will the government pull the plug on the internet if people start sharing the truth too much?

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Will the government pull the plug on the internet if people start sharing the truth too much?




  1. the us goverment allready has taken some stuff off from the internet , now im not going to say what or were but they do regulate it  some what,  and its only the bad stuff that they feel you didnt need anyway.  and as everyone here will tell you theres allways someone who can find what your looking for even if the goverment does take it away.  happens all the time in china. now some day you never know if they will ever go to the extreme like china has.  but i  doubt it,

  2. Not as long as the internets a global communication device, not just an american one. Yanks did that theyd have world war III on their doorstep.

  3. And miss out on  the opportunity to monitor what your saying? no way!

  4. They'd never be able to.  Internet technology, even though it may be partially compromised, is quite robust.  Indeed, it was designed in part to operate even after global thermonuclear war.

    These days there are enough people in the world with enough technical knowledge that, no matter what anyone tried, a large portion of internet connectivity could be retained or restored.

  5. Not as long as there is a 1st Amendment in the USA

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