
Will the greenies of today (tree huggers if you like) be seen as visionaries when history is written?

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Look at the natural world around us. The magnificent and protected forests and wilderness that are only there because someone had the courage to stand against destroying the last remaining bits. Don't be fooled America you are the number one environmental vandal and you believe your own press. Take the time to see how concerned the rest of the world is.




  1. Of course. They are trying to stop the world from taking a huge dump on us, and the right wingers are literally feeding it x-lax! It's big governments and huge corporations that are doing the polluting. A lot less is done by the individual person. This is an obvious fact that most seem to forget.

  2. Yes--because all the right-wingers are moving to/living in the Southwest, mountain states, etc. They're al going to run out of water and croak. Just us tree huggers will be left to write the histories!

    Now, of curse, a few will survive. But they'll be working for us, not writing histories. That's because they're all putting their money in gasoline cars, oil and coal, or China's coal-based economy. We're investing in solar energy, advanced energy technology, etc.


  3. They'll probably be viewed the same as the people who told us we were going to freeze to death in the 1970s.. which is only fitting, because it's the same d**n people.

  4. I dont think they will be seen as visionaries... Im not even sure history textbooks will give them much importance...

    and I completely agree with you, the US, and US companies abroad, polute more than the whole rest of the world!

    and yet USanians are completely oblivious to such information.

  5. Now that's arrogance. The national parks and reserves you speak of were created decades before the modern environmental movement, the first one back in 1832. They were created by and for sportsmen who enjoyed the outdoors, and they were set up so that the average person could enjoy them. Today they want to turn them all into wilderness areas so it would take days to hike in on foot. That's not too democratic.

    Eventually the greenies that will be remembered most by history are the vandals and eco-terrorists who've killed humans to save trees, protected animals at the cost of human life and health and destroyed property out of some misguided effort to feel important. When you destroy lumber in a lumberyard, that only means more trees must 'die' to replace what you destroyed. But hey, as long as you feel better about yourself.

    That's what history will (eventually) say.

  6. No, they will not be seen as visionaries when history is written, because it will not be written.  Global warming, evolutionary-based biodiversity, all are distractions from the real issue - we are killing all life around us via direct pollution from large agro fertilizers, GM crops, accumulator pesticides, and synthetics that mimic a variety of hormones.  They are having direct and measureable effects on us today, which are not really debatable.  But instead, all focus is directed towards vague and tenuous arguments regarding anthropogenic climate change and loss of diversity.  Seriously, I value diversity but not as much as I value clean and plentiful water.

  7. There are more US forests and park areas now in a protected state before the mordern environmental movement ever came into being and far more than anything available in all of Western Europe combined.  These False-Tree-Huggers have created a false shortage of energy in the US by restricting oil drilling and building of refineries.  Anyone who has travelled outside the US knows that fuel prices are far higher outside of the country where SUVs are not as popular.

  8. Those were the good old days.  Now they have become too political.

    Patrick Moore, Ph.D., served for nine years as president of Greenpeace Canada and seven years as a director of Greenpeace International. Of the five directors at G.I., he was the only one with a scientific background. He says many of his colleagues were not interested in cooperation and rejected consensus in favor of continued confrontation, ever-increasing extremism, and left-wing politics. "Environmentalism has become anti-globalization and anti-industry," Mr. Moore says. "Activists have abandoned science in favor of sensationalism.

  9. Some of them such as Bill Mollison ,David Suzuki ,Lester E Brown, David Holmgren,Larry Santoyo,Kirk Hanson,Masanobu Fukuaka and many others are seen as visionaries already ,even before we are into history.

  10. No, they will join the long list of delusional clowns from the past.

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