
Will the hair ever grow back? ?

by Guest32156  |  earlier

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I have had alopecia areata for about 1-2 years now and it started out really bad and i had alot of big patches where i was missing hair. This last year my hair grew back but i still got like 4 or 3 patches the size of a dime and it looks like it will take forever to grow , i can feel small hairs inside the patches and they can be seen too but my question is also, even if it grows back, can it fall down and will i struggle with it forever?





  1. the hair ever grow back

  2. I have known people who have suffered with it their whole life, and I have known people who, like you, have had the hair grow back.  I think that it depends on why the hair loss in the first place.  Alopecia areata is a catch phrase that simply means baldness in spots. If the problem was fungal, or bacteria based, I would guess that the hair will completely recover, as long as the hair root has not been damaged.  If the root has been damaged, there is no way that the hair can grow back.  

  3. your probably on the verge of going bald.

  4. It will grow back- just don't stress too much about it. Even if it does drops, it'll grow back. Please don't stress over it, because it won't do you any good. You can shave bald, too. ( I hope I don't sound offensive, because if I do, I am really sorry) Good luck!

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