
Will the hardys enter the hall of fame?

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1) will matt join the hall of fame?

2) will jeff join the hall of fame?

if you think not dont answer the BQ and say why you thought they wouldnt

if you think yes answer the BQ below

BQ: will they enter as a tag team of seperate?




  1. i say they will go in as a team

  2. I think they both will. And by the time thy do, they will probably each have held either the world heavyweight or the WWE title

  3. I think will both join the hall of fame. I say as a tag team.

  4. I don't think Matt will unless he can beat Mark Henry at ss but I know Jeff will because what he's done and his countless number of fans.

    BQ - They will most likely join together as their great tag team!!! (not as good as DX!!!) LOL XD!!!!

  5. yea i think they will be future Hall of famers, they are awesome, loved by everyone and very well respected

  6. I thin k they will both as the Hardy Boyz! =]

  7. I think they will enter as the hardys cuz everyone knows them by that

  8. as a tag team maybe but as individuals no they really haven't gotten the big belts

  9. 1. Yes - has been wrestling with WWE for years and deserves it.

    2. Yes - been wrestling since 1993 with WWE and deserves it too.

    BQ// Most likely just as a tag team. But If both Hardys step up their game in the next few years and win some world titles they could actually get inducted as single wrestlers but in different years.

    However, if neither of them can get a world title than I think they'll go in as a tag team and be inducted as the Hardy Brothers.

    Dont get me wrong, they are great single competitors i just think they were better as a tag team. They did more memorable things and matches when they were together.

    Matches like the one they had at Wrestlemania 17 will always be remembered, their TLC, hardcore matches and i think they will be remembered because they are arguably the greatest tag team of all time. They made the tag team division in the attitude era exciting and amazing. I mean since they went their seperate ways it has never been the same thing. They bought tag teams to a whole new level. They were entertaining and  were talented as h**l.

    They held more title reigns than the wild samoans, so yes they will be in. I think the only question is: Will they go in Together or separate?

  10. Separate but probally in the same night

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