
Will the hiptop slide be going down in price by a few hundred dollars anytime time soon or in the future?

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I really wanted to get a hiptop 3 but now they don't sell them anymore and i don't want to get anything off of ebay! I was going to get the hiptop slide, but there is no way my parents will let me get a $700 phone that i have to pay every month for. The hiptop 3 was only $199 will the hiptop slide ever be that price?? (I live in Australia) And also the main price is an issue, paying the $30 a month is fine for me, i just want to know about the price of the phone.




  1. Well, going by what happened with the hiptop 3, I think that there is a good possibility that it will go down in price. The hiptop 3 was in the $600's but then got dropped to $400's and finally down to $200. The hiptop slide has already dropped in price originally about $670, but can be found at some places such as JB hi-fi for mid $400's. So, if slide follows in the footsteps of the 3, then it should come down in price even more. I guess you just have to wait and see, good luck.

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