
Will the indictment of U.S. Sen. Ted Stevens be the first of many others?

by Guest60614  |  earlier

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... and another one bites the dust ... and another and another ... more indictments, more indictments and more indictments ... this could be the start of something big ... such good news!




  1. No i don't think that it will be the first of many others.

    I think it's the latest in a long string. Look at William Jefferson, and countless others that are placed in a position of public trust and are more concerned with personal gain than public service.

    Do i think there will be more yes absolutely but Sen. Stevens it just the latest. If the Media would take the interest in the Senators and Congressman, mayors and so forth that they do in some actors on TV  I bet there would be alot more.

  2. Fun stuff, right?!!! And is one of the false statements he's being indicted for the one he made about the internet being a series of tubes?

  3. It doesn't matter... His "future" as a Politician is "Toast" now- anyway... So Chalk another Senate Seat up for the Democrats- in November!  :0

  4. Of course....dem and repubs are going to duke it out now to see who's party is the worst!  It is ELECTION YEAR....haven't you heard?  :)))  I wouldnt' gloat over any bad news of any is all politics can gloat one day...the other party the next.  

    there is a reason it is coming out now...when the articles and news says this is a long time coming!  

    Now it starts...99 days until is going to rachet up now!  99  days of childishness and backstabbing and who is going to be the baddest of the bad!

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