
Will the lib media report what a great success Bush's FEMA coordination in N.O. was?

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or will they thank the great and mighty Obama for waving his mighty hand and stopping Gustav from intensifying?




  1. really r u kidding it's and election year.  

  2. Probably both.

  3. Well of Course not. The Liberal mantra is Only report the bad for republicans, compared to rarely report the bad for Democrats.

    Fox news at least TRYs to keep em honest

  4. The corporate run, conservative, money earning media will go where the story leads them.  As a matter of fact they have been correctly reporting how everyone was more prepared this time around, and how republicans have considered delaying the RNC convention.  This is a better image for both Bush and McCain who were celebrating McCain's birthday three years ago when the city flooded.

    It's a bit too early to celebrate success though, the levies didn't break until the day after Katrina left New Orleans.  

  5. this is a cat 3 hurricane, bad, but not as bad as Katrina, besides, he's supposed to handle it successfully... what do you want a cookie?

  6. ummmm...... FEMA did what they were supposed to do today.  This is why FEMA exists.  Since when is doing your job a cause for celebration ?

    Nothing that happened today or will happen 100 years from now will erase the incompetant failure of Bush & FEMA who stood by and let Hurrricane Katrina drown New Orleans and kill 1,600 people.

  7. Some will; some won't applaud Bush himself

    Now the last half of your question deserves no answer

  8. Shhh, you're not supposed to say anything good about the Bush administration.  HE IS THE DEVIL, or didn't you know that?  Funny though, all the bashing the libs do over Katrina and Louisiana is a REPUBLICAN state, led by a Republican Governor.  Maybe they know something we don't, huh?

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