
Will the liberal attacks on Palin make the McCain ticket a winner?

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Just like they did with FOX News?

It seems that the more they smeared FOX, the more they’ve managed to increase their popularity and ratings.

Do you see a pattern here?




  1. still not getting it???????

    any attack on Palin is actually an attack on the Republicans for years of attackiing Democrats and Liberals...

    It really has nothing to do with Palin.

  2. I can't understand why the liberal media are creating such a dust storm over the Palin pick.  They've attacked her and now many more people will turn in to see her speech tonight.  Of course liberals have never been known to show great amounts of common sense.  If there is no talking points to throw out there such as "Four more years of the same" and "Change you can believe in" they have nothing.  Will this be an election winner?  I don't know.  There are a lot of stupid people out there.  As far as Fox News, I believe they do give the most balanced view in most instances, and I think this is why they stay up in the ratings.  I found it quite satisfying that after the DNC finished up, a few prominent Dems actually said that Fox had the most balanced coverage.

  3. Its hilarious that you people sit and ***** and moan about Obama. Whaa Whaa Obama is muslim Whaa Whaa but when we talk about someone who is only qualified to be a milf you call us the desperate ones

  4. No.  This is all a big distraction.  It may leave a bad taste in people's mouths.  Ultimately, come November 4th, people will be voting their hopes, fears, issues and wallets.

    The fact that Palin, or Biden for that matter, will be pretty much irrelevant.

  5. I would like to say this about liberal attacks.  On what points are they attacking McCain-Palin?  Inexperience ?  Well, Palin has more executive experience than either of the other three candidates- including McCain. The fact that she has no Washington experience at all is the main thing about her that appeals to me. First, barocko talks about change, then he picks the epitome of sameness in joe biden, a true Washington stalwart who is just as much at home in Washington as is the Lincoln Memorial or the Capitol Building.  

      McCain picks a fresh new face, and because she is conservative, the libbos are beside themselves.  They are running helter-skelter trying to find their wooden stakes and silver bullets.  They consider her a threat to what they have worked for (and accomplished) for the last half-century. And I pray that she is.

      Or, are the liberal imps so upset about the pregnancy of her unwed daughter ?  What a bunch of shameless, pseudo-self righteous, hypocrites !  Do they not know that it is their own liberal ideals, forced upon us by liberal law-making justices and judges that have caused teen-agers to be more sexually active by encouraging this behavior through hollywood movies, garbage TV, and filthy screaming and puking cursewords that they consider "music" ?  Do they not know that if you force God out of our schools and society that the spirit of evil rushes in to take His place because nature abhors a vacuum ?  Maybe they do and maybe they don't. But I can tell you this; they wouldn't care one way or the other if it were a liberal democrat in the shoes of Sarah Palin.

      Will the attacks make McCain a winner ?  Well, he's already a winner in my book, and so is Ms. Palin.

  6. yes

    liberals can't help themselves


  7. Fox is only popular because they're the only "Conservative" news channel there is.

    Everyone else has to choose between the other networks....

    Therefore, Fox having the most viewers, isn't the best thing since they tend to parrot the most junk.

  8. Why would the Liberals need to attack Palin?  She isn't all that impressive to begin with.

  9. Yes, I think this sickening media blitz will backfire.

  10. Hmmm, Obama just hit the "50" percent mark in the Polls. Democrat's could offer to babysit for Palin, and McCain STILL WOULD NOT BE A WINNER...

  11. I think that you are to something here - and I also think that the liberals are too blinded by Obama's charismatic speeches too see the pattern, and that's a good thing.

    I hope his supporters keep up their smear campaign - even Obama himself clearly sees the inevitable back lash from this down and dirty strategy.

    It does, however, speak volumes about his support base in general.

  12. They have already won.They are just going thru the motions.

  13. No chance...The people who vote will make Obama the winner..they don't want the same BUSH tactics in office!!

  14. Well they aren't learning anything from their past mistakes but yes...people get disgusted with their bile that they spew...I never watched FOX until I started realizing what liars the liberals were and then I saw why they railed against is fair and balanced news...

  15. That is exactly what is going to happen. We all know it now. Obama should just concede the election now, and save his money.

  16. No.  The liberal attacks will help expose more of her shortcomings in the days to come.  

  17. No.  Please go take your meds.

  18. The mere fact that the Libs have gone so ballistic attacking Gov Palin shows how much they actually fear her.  They don't go after her on policy, no instead attack her family, her kids, invent conservative attitudes in their heads to justify themselves.  Prime example was one media lady actually said that her work and family life as a woman was okay, but Palin being a "conservative Christian" should be in the kitchen baking.  This from the very women she is empowering!  

  19. I was never a McCain supporter and I wasn't this year until now. Now, because he choose a woman for his running mate the left is up in arms. What is with the left. They had their chance. They just simply threw her under the bus. Now the republicans can't have a strong, knowledgeable candidate. Palin has done everything that the feminist movement felt that woman could achieve. Be a mother and run for office. Pelosi did it, why not Sarah Palin.

    I hate to admit, but I am going to get a big massive sign and place it in front of my lawn in support for McCain and Palin.

  20. Yes. They are collectively Michael Moore-ing the election. Like Michael Moore thought it was funny to rip on Bush, the left is alienating every woman, or family for that matter, that knows someone that has been through what she is going through.

    They were supposed to be the party of tolerance yet they're tearing her apart, lol. Talk about out of touch with average America.

    They're done.

  21. too late.

    the radical conservative attacks on obama have already sealed the election.

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