
Will the new cell phone law really reduce accidents?

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this new hands free law goes into effect on july 1. their main reason is because they think accidents are caused by people talking on the phone an d not using their hands to drive. i think it is just because they are bad drivers. i completely understand this law but i don't think we will see any change when it comes to accidents.




  1. Only if people follow it, and police enforce it.

    I was rear-ended a few years back by a teen who was texting & driving... more dangerous than voice phone calls, in my opinion.

  2. No as long as there is any kind of phone use in side a car there will be accidents.

  3. The only law they need for cell phones is a total ban on using them anywhere.

  4. No it is total BS.

    It is NOT holding the phone that is causing the accident

    It is TALKING on the phone that is causing the accident.

    This is well documented and know fact.  But the law makers feel they need to do SOMETHING even if only symbolic.

    If they are interested in really preventing accidents, they need to ban talking on the cell phone while driving.  But that also means that eventually they have to ban all other activity during driving (drink, eating, talking with passengers, clipping your toe nail, etc.)

    I ain't making this s**t up.

    good Luck...

  5. Talking on the phone requires a different type of attention than talking to a person in the car with you. One must be constantly aware that the first priority is to the responsibility of driving.I know the few times I've driven and talked - I knew immediately that I was sacrificing some of the attention I should have been giving to the road.  Pull over to talk! (Don't EVEN get me started on text messaging while driving)

  6. if the majority of people dont do it yes it will

  7. It's a step in the right direction.  Anything that distracts a driver can contribute to an accident.  That includes tuning the radio, dialing a cell phone, talking on a cell phone.  Many cars now have buttons on the steering wheel to tune the radio, which helps.  The ban on using cell phones except hands free will help.  I see a time when you can only use a hands free voice activated cell phone when driving, the only exception being 911 calls.

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