
Will the news of Palin’s daughter getting knocked up cause McCain’s poll numbers to go up or down?

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I'm curious, but not sure which way they will go.

I know that right wing posters like Rasmussen and Gallup are having kittens tonight trying to decide how they will spin it if they go down.




  1. They will go up. I, as well as others, have developed respect for Palin for not being a hypocrite.

    It would have been easy for her to change her stance on abortion now that her 17 year old daughter is pregnant. She didn't and I respect that.

  2. No effect. What does any of this have to do with politics? This is a non issue. Even Obama is calling it a non issue.  

  3. Palin's daughter's pregnancy has NOTHING AT ALL to do with Palin's ability to do the job as VP - NOTHING AT ALL!!  Why do you libbies always try to find some stupid, irrelevant, insignificant thing to blast Palin - AND McCain!  McCain is NOT related to Palin or her daughter and Palin is VERY well capable of doing the job as VP - it's all irrelevant!!

    The poll numbers won't be affected 'cause Palin's daughter is NOT running for president - get real!!

  4. They will stay about the same.

  5. The flinging of substances is expected, especially because of the character of her enemies.

    It will not have any more affect on the polls than Obama's Greek God coronation ceremony at the DNC convention or his proclamations at the Gate of the Germans...


    What will affect John McCain's poll numbers is all of the leftist Trolls like your self who are invading the privacy of a private person.

    Sarah Palin's daughter is a private person who is not running for office.

    The fact that you leftist Trolls are so desperate to find anything negative about John McCain and Sarah Palin and have been unable to find anything just reinforce the opinions of those of us in the Democratic Party who consider Obama to be unfit to hold the office of The President.

  7. McCain's numbers will continue to climb, but it will not be because of Palin's daughter.  The best weapon McCain has in this election is Obama.  The more Obama talks, the higher McCain's numbers go.

  8. Not even Viagra can pull him up.

  9. McCain's numbers will dip, if only because it hurts McCain's image for choosing a VP with baggage like that.  

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