
Will the next war be over bread(wheat0?

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Now that some farmers have abandoned growing wheat for corn, sunflowers and canola to make ethanol and biodiesel instead of wheat for food. We are on the verge of paying twice as much for a loaf of bread. Since we as people have not demanded better technology for harnessing natural energy like sun, wind and battery storage and allow the farm to grow food not fuel are we going to go to war over food since we have gone to war over fuel or are we going to allow our fellow man to starve in order to keep our vehicles running? It is getting the the point where gas per litre is less than a loaf of bread. What gives??




  1. Even worse than bread, my beer is getting more expensive!

    If the next war is over bread, will French bread be the first to fall?

  2. This is what happens when you allow gov't to  dictate which energy options we choose. Corn ethanol is the LEAST efficient means of creating ethanol. Switchgrass makes much more sense, and the same equipment hat converts it to fuel could also convert wheat stalks/chaff into biofuel.

    STOP DEPENDING ON THE GOV'T! Find ways of making your own personal living space energy independent. It CAN be done!

  3. To avoid war we as a people have to demand from governments ACTION NOW! Farmers are doing a good job doing what they do and it's governments that suggest they do what they do because it all comes down to survival.  If wheat prices keep going up maybe the Afghans will stop growing poppies for drugs and start growing wheat for food.   We still need to create better fuel alternatives that are just as good if not better and cleaner than gas/diesel motors.  I believe the technology is there we just need to demand it!

  4. Simple economics would fix that problem.

    Stupid subsidies and laws create a favorability for ethanol over other crops.

  5. there is a world shortage of food .next it will be war.

  6. wars are often about resources, with the "strong" not being willing to share equally.

    As the human population increases from 6 to 9bn, all aspiring to hollywood fantacy lifestyles, we will soon be running out of all sorts of basic resources.

    Water, fertiliser, metals, refinery capacity, topsoil, fisheries ...

    while facing increasing demands through climate change, pollution, pesticide resistant bugs & anti-biotic resistant disease ...

    see the Club of Rome "limits to Growth"

    the next/current "war" is between the unsustainable global consumer industrial  growth society and a life-sustaining one.

  7. That would be nice, but I'm guessing water wars will be next after oil.

  8. We (as mankind) sure haven't come very far.  You're right, there is no shortage for reasons to fight.  The land we are to "live" off is pretty well depleted of natural, nutrient-rich, glacier run-off, everywhere on the entire planet.  We need to eat chemical laden   "fresh" food since there is very little "sustainable" farming taking place.  All natural resources are becoming quite minimal in supply.  Our lifestyles dictate reliance on modern conveniences - cars, electronics, speed...  Perhaps we will soon find out why the dinosaurs really became extinct.  War, just for the sake of war.

  9. If the past is any indicator, it will be over oil.

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