
Will the parthenon be restored to its original self?

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Will the parthenon be restored to its original self?




  1. Just got back from Athens a few days ago.  They are doing some restoring, but it is not for the purpose of rebuilding, but more for maintaining.  There are several things that are still causing it to fall apart.  1) weathering, over time things erode. 2) Earthquakes, though Athens doesnt get the brunt of the quake, every little shake loosens things up. 3) Athens is in a valley, so all the pollution as no place to escape so there is a strong Acid Rain content in the city, which helps to speed up the eroding process.  Granted I was there 4 days ago, I dont recall exactly the restoring phase.  I believe it is a  6 step process, but the number 12 sticks out in my head also.  As said, the destruction of the roof is a big part of the history, and they do not want to take that away.

  2. Who knows? Why bother?

  3. no.

  4. IT would have been.beautifull to see the parthenon in its pristein conditon with its olive tree and its nautral spring.with all the frescos of the pananthenian games relifes (elgin marbles )as they might be known by some and the huge golden statue of athena..BUT we have to honour histroy and those who gave thier life to greece..and part of it is the venetian cannon fire which destroyed the whole roof of the parthenon in the16 th century ..the reason was that the venetians  thought that it was a amunition dump where the turks had thier gunpowder and cannon balls..from the sea off thier the parthenon plateau is a perfect vantage point to fire cannons in to the harbour.. but i belive whatt hey are doing is to strutchely .make the parthenon more stable and re forming some of the key blocks and stones that are deteriating rapidly due to the acid rain and qaukes in the area ..i dont think they will restore it to its presitne beauty..but to a parthenon where future generations can appreaciate its magnificance of structure and beauty even thouh it's half destroyed its still beautifull ,,and not to mention an icon in world heritage..associated automaticaly with  the birth of democracy..

  5. I have been told by my best friend in Athens that there are currently restoring it and I think he mentioned that it would take 15 years to complete.  I do not know if they started rebuilding or not or if it is in their budget to restore or not.  The last time I was at the Parthenon was in 2000 and they started replacing some of the marble blocks.  Who knows...I have seen it three times and 2000 was the last.  I doubt I will see it a 4th time.  There is so much to see in Greece yet.  Don't get me wrong, it is an awesome sight, but prefer to see other things.

  6. i know the last time i went there they had the original one and then they were making a replica that is new and nice b/c the original is supposed to fall of old age soon

  7. The Parthenon is under constant maintenance. Even when this phase of maintenance is over, archaeologists will have to start all over again, because by the time they finish, they will have to go back to the very first stone they restored and start from the beginning. It is a process that takes many years to complete, so when they finally reach the end they have to start from the beginning. Someone I know, who is an expert in marbles moved with his family to Athens years ago in order to participate in this restoration. We do not expect him back soon :)

    The Parthenon will never be as it was originally. Don't forget, that there are parts of it that were stolen by Lord Elgin, and now are being exhibited in the London Museum. I also have to say that all the remaining decoration ( the ones that weren't stolen ) of the temple will be transfered to the new Acropolis Museum, in order to be protected by the pollution and will be exhibited in a very special room. These parts will be replaced by replicas.

    As for the earthquake issue, The Parthenon survived them for thousands of years now and it is considered to be the best antiseismic monument in the world.

  8. The Parthenon is being restored, but it will not be restored to the original splendor with the full marble roof. Their reasoning is that the destruction of the roof during the Turkish-Venetian war is also a big part of the Parthenon's history, and they want to still honor that.

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