
Will the pilot job outlook be better if the airlines merge?

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I have heard that United and Continental are talking about a merge, as well as American and Northwest, and US Airways and Delta. If they decide to merge, so that there are only 3 traditional carriers instead of 6, what will this do to jobs within the companies? Ticket prices will be higher because of less competition, so will that make pilot pay/benefits go up? Also, will there be more jobs available?

What will be the changes to the airline industry if these merges do in fact occur?




  1. The Delta/NWA merger will probably cos a few people their jobs through early retirement.

    If that one goes through, United and Continental will probably merge.  I spoke with a Continental check airman about two days ago.  He told me that even if they do buy United, they are going to keep running classes of 56 new hires per month for at least the next year.

  2. Airlines merge to CUT costs.  About the only way to do that is to cut salaries, cut jobs, and cut flights.

    You do the math.


  3. Less competition means that the few remaining airlines can control the pilot's salaries to a greater extant, that will be bad...

  4. Companies merge to reduce their personnel requirements.  Sorry.

  5. no

  6. I cannot see how decreased competition for pilots will improve their job outlook.  Yes, likely prices for tickets will rise -- this does NOT translate into increased wages for employees.

    The above assumes a free market -- no wage controls no ultra-powerful union.

  7. the job outlook was changed when they raised the mandatory retirement age - the mergers don't change the number of flights, but more the back-end (do less people travel because airlines merge?) like ticketing, maintenance personnel, accounting....

    there will be pilot jobs for years to come, if you want one, be the best one...never say no to a flight, always be on time, always be courteous to everyone - if you are looking to become one - make sure you are highly qualified.  live and breath it!

  8. Flying Airlines never really has a good outlook, its the regionals that make the real money. They cant get enough pilots, I know guys with 400 hours getting hired into jets. I dont think anybody ever thought there would be a time regionals would accept people with so few hours.

  9. no pilots will lose their seniority, BAD for pilots

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