
Will the price of blu ray disc go down?

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Will the price of blu ray disc go down?




  1. No, up.

    Blu-ray is a premium format, why would it be priced the same or lower than DVD?  If studios wanted to settle for lower profits they wouldn't have introduced Blu-ray.

    Blu-ray will remain a higher priced HD alternative to DVD (not a replacement for it). In my view, anyone expecting otherwise will be disappointed.

  2. As with any consumer electronics the price will go down, just don't expect a rapid price drop.

    Now that the format war is over, many other companies are able to get involved in making players and discs more affordably wtihout worry they chose the wrong format to invest in.

    People say Blu-Ray has no competiton, well that isn't totaly true, there can now be internal comeptiton among the differant manufactures. Instead of Blu-Ray vs. HD-DVD, you have Sony - Samsung - Mitsubishi - Pioneer - Panasonic - Daewoo - and many others that want you to buy their players. once players go down in price and are adopted by the consumers production of discs can increase, mass production = lower prices.

    true, Blu-Ray discs will not be cheaper than DVD's, but I am already seeing the price of DVD's go down, its easy to find good titles (movies less than a year old) for under $5 now. yeah new releases are still up there in price, but they too will be going down together with the price of Blu-Ray new releases. currently ahs some good prices on blu-Ray discs under $20

  3. Down. Sony's new BDPS350 which is replacing the profile 1.0 BDPS300 for $399 is being released this Summer for $350 and is a Profile 2.0 machine. With so many Blu-Ray players being sold (I can't even get one for my customers of ANY brand, they are ALL backordered.) the cost per disk will go down as more movies are being sold. Also they are still in competition with a very inexpensive and deeply entrenched product. DVD.

    Trust me. Prices will continue to drop.

  4. Without direct competition the price will not go down for some time. Once everyone is 100% on board and in full production mode the price will start to come down as investments in new equipment start paying off, maybe 6 months to a year. Other than that it would take a better product that could take market share to force the price down.

  5. Well I don't think anyone can say for sure, but I am sure of one thing. Over time it will go down as they come out with cheaper ways and improved technology.  Look at the price when standard DVD came out to now a days.  A huge price drop.  

    Blu Ray has remained strong on their prices all the time while HD DVD was dropping theirs, if that didn't make them drop their price I don't think anything will.  Not until they can make them at a cheaper price.

  6. no they will go down , because they would(companies) would pay of the machines used to make them ,

    so yeah they will go down

  7. Actually player prices are going up and Sony is going to force everyone to buy new players by coming out with a 2.0 version which will make the current $400 players obsolete.

    Movie prices are going to go up as well.

    I put a link below to a LA Times report that talks about this.

  8. If anything it will go up because there is no competition now.

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