
Will the public ever accept the ugly old crone Camilla as their queen?

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Will the public ever accept the ugly old crone Camilla as their queen?




  1. It just happens that Camilla is ugly and old.

    But would you have asked the same question if she was young and pretty------who committed the same sin of adultery?

  2. The majority won't accept her as queen, but have they a say in who will be?

    The royals will elect/pick or whatever,and the rest of you will have to put up with her.

    God save the public I say!

  3. Doubtful.  But, that's the price she has to pay, for what she's done in the past, isn't it?

  4. Who is the king?

  5. She is Prince Charles' wife, and I think the public has to accept that.  We all have in-laws we'd rather not have - and perhaps she will always be seen in that light.  I don't think she will ever be styled as Queen Camilla, which is really sad.  Prince Charles should have had a wife that would be Queen with him, but alas it wasn't to be.  The real irony is that had he not divorced, he would have ended up the proper grieving widow, and then been free to marry and she could have been accepted as his Queen.  Just such a mess when we don't do things RIGHT!!

  6. The adulteress who will be queen...

  7. ohhh shes not ugly shes just old! Why not shes not done anything wrong?

  8. hello....barbara bush...

  9. I don't think she deserves it!

  10. queen what

  11. "After enduring years of criticism and even ridicule, the evident attraction the couple feel for each other appeared finally to have won them a measure of acceptance from the British public.  But it remains to be seen whether the bride will ever be known as Queen Camilla."

    "Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles Wed." 10 April 2005.  Redorbit.

    Perhaps a better word than acceptance would be resignation, or reconciling oneself to the inevitable, even though Camilla will supposedly bear the somewhat morganatic title of "princess consort".

  12. Speaking as a Brit, I am profoundly ashamed of what she AND Charles did to Diana.  I wish the Queen had forbidden the marriage and thak God she will never be Queen. He definitely does not deserve to be a King and when he gets to be, I shall spend the day with a paper bag over my head.

    PS No-one can help being either ugly or old.

  13. Do you think they have a choice?  When even her Majesty have no say?  Frankly speaking, besides you, every person in the whole wide world is having the same doubt.  Now you believe in magic spells?

  14. hopefully not..........if they wanted to be together so very much they should have been and not used and abused Diana in the manner that they did.

    Personally think is an evil old boot and IF she was rammed down my throat as the "queen" would prefer to see the whole royal family go period.


  15. Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, is currently accepted by a vast majority of the British population to rule as Prince Charles' "Princess Consort" once he becomes King. Legally and technically, she will be Queen, regardless of whether she uses the title.  Camilla will never be called Queen Camilla for exactly this reason - it is too painful to the public to think that it could have been Queen Diana, had not Camilla "gotten in the way."

  16. No, she is a devorcee... can't happen sorry. She will be the king's consort just like Queen Elizabeth's Husband is hers

    hence also her title Duchess of Cornwall not Princess of Wales (the Prince of Wales is the title givent o the heir of the throne)

  17. She can never be queen by English law.

  18. no no no no no no no

  19. Probably not.

  20. I don't think so. They loved Diana too much.

  21. I sincerely doubt it after what she has done in the past, and it is also doubtful that the "vast majority" of the British public accept her as has been stated by Abbey S other than as the fornicating adulteress who destroyed Diana's marriage.

  22. The royalist sycophants will accept anyone.

    But this is an opportune moment to draw a line in the sand and say, "No more royalty!". When the Queen dies, declare a republic with a purely figurehead President, elected every 4 years. Disbar from the post of President anyone who at any time has been elected to Parliament or the other national assemblies etc, together with anyone who has held a seat in the House of Lords.

    I am available to act as the first President.

  23. I hope not. How on earth could jug ears Charles choose that wizened old prune over the beautiful Diana?  Don't forget Diana foresaw that she would come to an end in a car crash. She also prophesied that Charles would never become King and that Prince William would replace the Queen on the throne.

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