
Will the "Pickens Plan" gain any momentum?

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  1. Well, it certainly has with me.  I own a very large ranch and have just begun to research using it as a wind farm on a land lease program.  That being said, there are many of us who also think there should be a solar element to supplement the wind farm concept, particularly in areas where there is more sun than wind.

  2. I wasn't familiar with the plan, so visited the website.  From the site:

    "On January 20th, 2009, a new President will take office. We’re organizing behind the Pickens Plan now to ensure our voices will be heard by the next administration. Together we can raise a call for change and set a new course for America’s energy future in the first hundred days of the new presidency — breaking the hammerlock of foreign oil and building a new domestic energy future for America with a focus on sustainability."

    I don't think either candidate will commit to action in the first 100 days, but I can see both offering at least token support, possibly more.  So I'm going to answer yes.  Since the group is gearing up for the election, they will gain momentum.  Whether it stalls afterwards remains to be seen.

    Thanks for putting this on my radar.  The list grows and grows and grows ...

  3. This is a hard question to answer since parts of my answer are an opinion that is biased.  After viewing his ideas and looking at the science, I believe that his plan has merit.  I think what concerns me is that it would gain momentum based on the money that he can invest in it and the power and influence of his name.  The problem is that I do not see any collaboration with others that I see as vital.

    Through my company, I am also writing a proposal for energy independence by 2020 that involves solar and wind providing a significant amount of power reducing our dependence on foreign oil.  And I also have some very unique, copyrighted ideas.  But I am of the view that there has to be cooperation and collaboration to come up with a successful plan that can gain momentum.  I fear that his plan will succeed because of his money and influence and not because he collaborated with others.  With all due respect to the man, I wrote him asking if he would look at my plan as well and that we could prepare a joint proposal for energy independence.  I didn't get a response back, nor did I expected one.  He is a powerful man of wealth and influence and wants all the credit for putting a singular plan in place.

    As unique as my plan is and as many energy problems as I might solve, I would rather collaborate with four or more who hold answers that I do not have and give them due credit in my proposal.  If we are to solve our energy problem(s), I don't think it can be done by just one man.  It has to be written by men and women of genius and imagination who are problem solvers just as I am.

  4. yes and no.

    just like gore couldn't do it.

    but as more and more folks speak out, eventually enough of us will admit that there's a problem that the government will have to do something.

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