
Will the rats eat my ducks?

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i live on a farm and lately there have been rats in my duck cages. they are currently laying eggs. when the eggs hatch will the rats eat my ducklings? how do i get rid of the rats?




  1. rats will eat anything snap traps will kill them but they learn quick and breed faster you could always get a jack Russell they love killing the rats but introduce it to the ducks from a pup.the rats will get immune to poison fast.only other way is remove your ducks block up all holes you can find and run a pipe from your car exhaust down the hole and gas them

  2. Yes, I would imagine that they would. Move the ducks somewhere else, if its possible. Put LOTS of rat poison in the area and baited traps. Good luck.

  3. that depends upon the no. of rats u got. coz in australia a farmer got his shed stuffed with rats, hundreds of thousands of them and they even start eating their pigs alive........and that is still a world record.

    Let me come to the point, rats can be harmfull for ur chickens, so try to get rid of them from the begining.I guess there are stuffs available in markets only for rats.

  4. yes they probably will kill the ducklings

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