
Will the skeptics please give a scientific explanation of this ?

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UFO Sighting: Kalispell, Montana; August to September of 1998

By Loui "UFO" Zoot! on January 11, 2008 2:56 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)

Name: Dean

Date of Event: the last week of August,1998 and the last week September, 1998

Location of Event: Kalispell, MT.

Message: I was sitting outside on my front porch in the evening. The time was between 8 to 9 pm. I was looking in sky towards the northeast, the sky was clear beautiful that evening. When I saw super white burst of light in the sky. The best way that I can describe it is a huge light turn on and then off. The size in comparison to the planet Mercury early in the mourning hours. I went inside and told my wife what I had seen. The following evening my wife and I were sitting on the front porch about the same time, when we both saw the white light burst again. I made some phone calls to the local news station and police dept, and ask them if anyone had seen or knew what was taken place in the sky. This event occurred for four more evenings in the same location and at the same degree in the sky. After the fourth time I again called the news station and the police dept. and ask if anyone knew what the h**l was happening in the sky, and their response was they didn't know anything about what my wife and had been observing.

Keep in mind that I was friends with many of the city police officers and had known them for years. Because I had been a member of flathead county sheriff dept. After about the third time that I watched this event I began to notice that I would feel ill, and I ask my wife and other people that I had called if anyone them were noticing the symptoms that I was feeling. And no one else was experiencing the physical effects that I was.The next mourning I woke up and couldn't speak! I could hear, see, walk I had full use of my arms and my legs, I had complete understanding of my surroundings the only thing that was different about me is that no words would come out of my mouth. My age was 40 I was in perfect health I had just had a physical with my doctor the month before. My wife takes me to our family doctor, and of course my doctor puts me in the hospital, and proceeds to run every test that the medical comm. invented with the net outcome that they didn't know what was preventing me from speaking. Three days later my voice returned as quickly as it had vanished. This is just the beginning of my life changing experience.




  1. We must first assume everything this person is saying actually happened as he says it did.  We have to take for granted that he included all pertinent data and didn't exclude anything important.  I have a difficult time believing everything happened as he says it did.

    First of all, if the same flash happened at the same time two nights in a row I would have a video camera ready on night #3, wouldn't you?

    Secondly, there could be perfectly normal events taking place here that this person, due to a predisposition to disregard the normal in favor of the paranormal, failed to acknowledge or consider.  I wasn't there, but I have seen normal things that could be misinterpreted as paranormal by a person predisposed to think magically.

    Third, since his illness had no diagnosable cause it's not impossible the previous events, which he may have interpreted as paranormal, influenced him into subconsciously displaying paralysis.  It's also possible he had a stroke, but I think it more likely (despite the limited information and my lack of medical training) that he talked himself into this illness.  Otherwise the illness would likely have shown something itself in the medical tests.

    He makes it sound like this was the beginning of his encounters with the paranormal, but I would bet just about anything it wasn't.

  2. The details here are very few, so there are many possibilities. Military training exercises come to mind.

    The supposed ill effects probably were likely power of suggestion and/or coincidence. Why only this fellow, and not his wife and all of his neighbors as well? Certainly they were dosed with the same "whatever" that he was supposedly dosed with, but we didn't hear of any mass illness in Kalispell. The same "Dean" who posted this report also later reported that he had also been abducted by aliens, so another possibility is that this person simply isn't credible.

  3. My guess is he was seeing an airplane, or something, perhaps a new cellphone tower with a signal light on top.

    Obviously the second part is psychosomatic, because he got it into his head that there were aliens, and the thought became obsessive until it manifested into a psychosomatic response.

    There is nothing here which would validate or even indicate to the reader that there was an actual UFO in the sky or an aliens. The last thing I assume upon hearing this story is that there were aliens hovering over this guys house.

  4. The information presented in this posting is incomplete. Therefore a conclusion can not be sought.

  5. Why?

    If you've already convinced yourself that this is a paranormal event, then why bother?

  6. My question is, if he cound't hear, how would he know if he wasn't speaking. He couldn't hear it even if he was saying something.

    I'm not discounting what he saw, but the medical symtoms seem weird.

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