
Will the small battle between Russia and Georgia turn into an all out war?

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Right now it appears to be minor. Do you think it will escalate into a large scale war or is there just a lot of posturing going on?




  1. In the world we live in today it would take a major catastrophic war to engulf the entire planet.

    No, I do not think the skirmish in George between them and the Russians will become a full-blown conflict.

  2. Yes it can !

    Small bands of troops from else where are being deployed !

    Most of what are to be civilians but it will get the ball rolling !!!

  3. I love our President, but I think he will manage to somehow want to get in on all of it. He seems to be picking a fight with China right now. Why is it our job to make every country act like us, like we have it all together. Since prayer got taken out of the schools, I think our country needs a douching so to speak. I think China only letting parents have 1 child is worse than not letting some loud mouths interrupt the olympics.  

  4. They still fear Reagan

    Reagan was determined to change the psychological climate of the Cold War and to make the Soviets a little bit nervous and he did that through these military exercises. It was everything from sending a flotilla of the U.S. Navy into Soviet waters to flying B-52 bombers over the North Pole toward Soviet air space and having them turn back just at the last moment and all of this was really designed to change the psychological climate of the Cold War and put the Soviets on notice that the United States was not going to be pushed around any more.

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