
Will the subrogation dept. of Progressive received the deductible before my car is ready?

by Guest56809  |  earlier

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I filed a claim with my insurance Progressive and my car is being fix at a body shop (not progressive's body shop). My car should be ready no later then 8-22-2008. The other person's insurance mailed out a check that includes the deductible to the subrogration dept. on 8-14-2008. How long would it take for the subrogration dept. to received payment?

If my car is ready and they still have not posted that payment i will have to pay the deductible?




  1. Use the search engine like google or yahoo to brainstorm some ideas first if you want to obtain the massive information,if you do not want to spend too much time,here is a good resource for your reference about your questions.

  2. Call the subro department next week, and find out if they received the check from the other carrier.  If not, then you will have to pay the deductible, but you will receive your deductible check shortly.  There could be many reasons why you do not get your check by 8/22.  

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