
Will the t-mobile side kick slide work????

by  |  earlier

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if i buy a side kick slide off ebay, from england (where im from) if it says its unlocked, does that mean you can use other network sim cards??

Im on orange and really want to get a side kick, but keep the same network, so if a phone says its unlocked that means i can use it with my current sim card??

hope that makes sense, any help would be great thank you





  1. The sidekick supports all GSM "frequencies" (bands) 850 and 1900 (US) 900 and 1800 (Europe). The problem you will have is setting the APN (Access Point Node) if it has a UK software build in it that will be for T-mobile as they were the only UK operator to sell the SK, so the APN will be locked to "" this means that your orange SIM will be unable to access the GPRS services (data) offered by your network as the APN is "orangeinternet". Top right of the screen you will see a "phone" symbol and that means you are only connected to the GSM (voice calls and SMS) side of orange. Regardless of what some people say on here, it is possible to have a sidekick on any network, in any country but you need to have a development build that allows you to change what I said above. Strangely enough I have just sorted my daughter with a sidekick 3 on the orange network, pay as you go, again, someone on here will say it's impossible to have a SK on PAYG but that's BS. Send me an email as I may be able to help if you really want a sidekick.

  2. well since it does support all the band frequencies it does work in Europe. i work for t--mobile over here in london and if u get the sidekick u are only going to receive calls and text messages.. but there's no need to worry all u have to do is walk in an orange store since u said u didn't want to leave orange and they will charge u like about £5 to fix the internet settings and for u could receive pictures.

  3. You can use other networks' SIM cards.  However, you need to be sure that the phone works on the frequencies that your carrier requires.  Check with your carrier to see what frequencies should work, and be sure the phone uses those frequencies.

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