
Will the terrorists come and kill me and my family?

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I am so scared that I will die one day, i am haveing these death hauntings I need to be clear that we are safe, I live in Minnosta and am frightened of miss being, and the sudden death of my family please comfort me and tell me we are ok in this country.




  1. Well I ilve in the southern part of the Philippines, Mindanao. There are terrorist that are on the western part of the island and I live on the East part and I don't worry about them. Your like how many miles from them and I don't see any reason why you should worry about them.

  2. Don`t be scared, we are all going to die one day, could be in the next minute, could be yrs. from now. Just believe that Jesus Christ died for us and your alright. You will die one day and your loved ones will too, I have lost 4 babies, my only brother, my husband, all of my grandparents,many, many friends,  just part of life. You just have to be strong and push on. I can tell you , your okay if you believe. I pray you do. Unfortunately, we really don`t know if we are safe, this world is spinning out of control, just live a good life, be honest and true to your family, friends and even strangers. Help people that need help, anyway you can.

    As for voting, McCain, Hilary and obama...thats a joke, they cannot  decide what happens to us. It`s all in Gods hands. Don`t worry, just  try to be happy and enjoy life.

  3. No, not to worry. Its not as bad as you think. especially there in Minnesota. I live in the east coast area and I don't worry about it.

  4. The USA is the safest place to live especially in small town America. Unfortunately there are no guarantees!

  5. you have good reason to worry.didn't you here a few weeks ago rag heads were found trying to get explosives into the US.You have a lot of terrorists and sympathizers in the US and more coming every day, and the government is just letting them in.hope you have guns in your house,you ll need them when the Muslims make there move.

  6. When I was in high school, my family moved to Madrid.  We lived with constatn terrorist alerts.  Franco had died the year before, and the new government was just starting to have elections again.  The Basque Terrorists were blowing something up in Spain almost every day.

    Every train station and airport had guards armed with sub-machineguns.  The Guardia Civil patrolled everywhere.  Whe they had the elections, every telephone pole in Madrid was guarded.  There were riots outside our hotel.

    We learned what to do to stay safe.  What to look for and what to avoid.  We listened to the American Armed Forces Radio to hear the alerts.  We took action and stayed safe.

    You can too.  Go here:

  7. Actually Minnesota is full of muslims. For some reason we let them in our country and they all seem to come to Minneapolis. I've been working down the block from the welfare office and I see them streaming by all day long. I'm being serious.

  8. unless u know for sure they are after u just keep calm.

    and its most likely terrorists will attack los angeles, or washington next because they are one of the most populated areas

  9. You have a better chance of winning the lottery than being killed by a terrorist, think about that instead.

  10. Vote for a president that will confront these dirt bags - John McCain comes to mind.

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