
Will the united states ever have more than 50 states?

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  1. It is very unlikely that there will be, other than the 50 states America has 3 Territories: Puerto Rico, The Virgin Islands, and The Philippines and due to the violence, and distance of those countries not to mention the fact that they have their own culture, no congressman would want to have the territories a state and I would not be surprised if any of those territories would want to be a us state for other than the reason of a job.

  2. maybe. my dad was just a little tot when the last state was added but I am sure it is a possibility. i doubt it wont be for a while though since the economy sucks.  

  3. Justin, just to let you know, your answer was way wrong. The Phillipines hasn't being a US Territory for over 60 years, since it gained its Independence from the Unites States on July, 4, 1946. Right now its PR, Guam, Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and the Northern Mariana Islands. To answer your question Erit, there's a very high possibility that one or more of the territories might be added as states sooner or later. One person did mention that the economy sucks right now, and the American government would probably add another territory as a state to find ways of improving the crappy economy.

  4. yes

    51  Canada

    52  Mexico

    53  Iraq

    54  Afghanistan

    55  Georgine

  5. While I can't predict the future there are several possibilities for a 51th state.  Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, Guam, and American Samoa are all future possibilities.

  6. Could happen.  I think it would be reasonable to make Puerto Rico a state since Puerto Ricans are American citizens and have voting rights.  Our most recent states are Alaska and Hawai'i.

  7. probably not. everyone is taken, except PR, and they dont like us.

    someone would have to have the country they are with now.

    i suppose some old USSR areas might want to join us.

  8. there can be a few ways to answer that the first is currently the US has 4 organized territories, US Virgin Islands, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Northern Mariana Island. Also the age of colonization ended quite a while ago so i doubt the US is gonna be getting any states soon

  9. That depends on whether U.S. territories decide to ask for statehood, assuming they have a high enough population.  Currently Puerto Rico has a high enough population to do so, but they haven't yet applied for statehood, because if they do, then they will have to pay U.S. taxes.  

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