
Will the united states go to war with russia if the threats continue.?

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Today russia gave the united states a threat saying if the united states puts missiles in its back yard they will use military action. I wanna Know what will happen if russia did this. And why is the united states using deadly destroyers to deliver aid to georgia. And do you think russia is bluffing.




  1. This is what's known as brinksmanship and sabre rattling.... typical Cold War strategies by both sides.  They both are waiting to see who blinks first.  

    It's highly improbable that a direct confrontation will occur... but you never know.

  2. The Navy is being used to show American support for Georgia. Currently that is about all militarily we can do. You and I had better hope the situation can be resolved diplomatically as further escalation could produce disastrous results. I hope you understand there is a much bigger picture developing in Europe than just Georgia. This situation could have Biblical implications.

  3. No. Lol I think it is funny that you referred to them as "deadly destroyers". The fact is that every vehicle in the US military is 'deadly' to an extend, and the destroyer is no exception. Destroyers can carry a good payload, and they are smaller than carriers, which makes them idea to manuever in small areas. It would only be logical to send them to supply aid.

    Russia is bluffing. They have nothing left to put on the table, they've shown all their cards.  Their attack on Georgia was supposed to show they they are still a force to be reckoned with, but they proved the exact opposite. The Russian military is a joke, and they would not dare wage war with us if they knew what was good for them.

    But, war will not happen. Russia is dumb, but not that dumb. A full out war with the US would cost them far too much.

  4. If I was NATO I would be filling the Black Sea with naval ships until you couldn't see the water any more.  All carrying humanitarian aid of course. Russia badly misjudged world opinion on this one.

  5. I'm not depends on who wins......

  6. Hopefully not, since that's basically nuclear war.

    The US is sending destroyers because civilian ships would have no guarantee of safety, especially with Russian's being known to fire on civilians.

    Russia is led by a madman, so hard to say.

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