
Will the upcoming Madden 09 20th addition, Farve special Addition Finally get at least a 9.0 in ratings??

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I want to know the definitive answer not no smart answer or whats its rating how good will this game be, obviously with ea involved its not going to be a 10 like GTA IV or MGS? can it even break 9.0 in ratings? Any review sites? ign gamespot??




  1. 10

  2. dude right now the Madden 09 is getting a rateing of a 9.4 right now by all readers when it comes out on monday the 11th i will be there bet your last dollar i will lol :) ava

  3. Noone has a definitive answer, as the game has not come out yet.  However, if they listen to the fans and fix alot of the stuff they messed up in 08, it is quite possible for it to.  

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