
Will the wall that they want to put between mexico and the US have any impact on any species of animals?

by  |  earlier

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are there any migrating animals that would be affected by it?

would it have ANY serious effect? or an impact on the environment for that matter.

what do you think about it? is it a good idea?

i am not posting this in politics because i dont think they would even care or have a clue, most ppl there are very conservative.




  1. Absolutely.  As did the Panama Canal.

  2. Yeah. On humans! Dumbest idea to come out of the Bush disaster.

    Easiest way to stop illegal immigration is to fine the ppl that hire them. But that would p**s off all the big financial contributors to both parties.

  3. sure it would any animal that has a territorial,migratory or seasonal movements{ie birthing in one area spring and feeding fall wintering another area}if the wall cut of there natural transportation routes it would have devastating effects.Although not familiar with animals in that area this is of major concern in the north with the construction of pipe lines and cutting of caribou from there calving areas.Any wall or barricade will have devastating effects on an animals.

  4. Fer shizzle. I don't think that the wall is going to happen so there.

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