
Will the wars ever end?

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Mankind tried to annihilate itself throughout all our history. People like to kill each other and try to justify this lust for blood in different ways. Do you believe that the day will come when we all will live in peace? Or i just another crazy optimist?




  1. Humans are hardwired to be aggressive creatures as a matter of biological law.  We are the way we are because for hundreds of thousands of years our species was struggling just to survive.  Struggling with other beasts, struggling for territory and mating rights amongst ourselves.  Recorded history is only about 5,000 years old and that just isn't enough time for major evolutionary changes (say, a major decrease in agression towards one another) to take place and the changes you so desire wont take place for a very long time, if they ever do.

    Minus the widespread medication of the population at large (which is increasingly becoming a reality) man wont begin to act differently than mother nature demands.  Personally I'd rather have a world with wars than a world where we're all medicated.  Suffering is human and its what makes life worth living.

  2. Not as long as there's profit in them. That is what they are for.

  3. As long as humans walk this earth, there will always be war.

    "Only the dead have seen the end of war." -Plato

  4. sadly your just an optimist

  5. Absolutely, positively, not.

  6. There will always be some kind of war going on. Humanity is h**l bent on self destruction.

    Vet-USAF /  College student

  7. Wars will never end. Wars are fought for money, that is the bottom line. You can say that it is for power, but power just means money for someone. In the past people fought for land, which meant money. Now wars are started because of the war industries, big business runs countries now hadn't you noticed? Why do huge companies and millionares give vast amounts of money to political parties? Look at the cash that is being spent right now on the US elections! Guns, aeroplanes ships all last for years unless they are used up in a war. Even if the war is over nothing that matters a d**n, that does not matter. Afghanistan, Irak, are the people there any better off for the people and soldiers killed and the countries smashed to h**l? The gunmakers are though! Now the warmongers are undecided whether the next target will be Iran or Russia. Most likely Iran, they haven't got nukes. It is one way of getting out of the recession.

  8. Peace...peace... nope. Never heard of it.

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