
Will the world be 100 percent g*y in the future?

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My friend said it will. She is always right about things so far. But she said by the year 2068 the world will no longer be straight because of chemicals and certain people giving drugs to striaghts to make them g*y.

Do you think this is possible?

I hate when she do this because I worry a lot over everything.....just got over the idea of the end of the world.




  1. What?? Your friend has a very vivid imagination....

    See no one has an interest in "turning straights g*y" and it would never work. There are people who want to "turn g**s straight" but that's not possible either.

    You hear of more g*y people now than in the past because society became more accepting so more g*y people come out, but that affects only those who were g*y anyway but hid it before because of homophobia. The majority of people are straight anyway.

  2. Your friend is a dumb ****.

  3. no, homosexuality is biological. we have no idea what causes it and to make someone g*y, you would have to interfere when a human is still in the uterus and change babies brains.

    masculine and feminine behaviour is also biological and its not created cause of the society, so girls wont be 100 percent tomboy either.

  4. I don't think so. I mean, there will always be men who like men, women who like women, women who like men, men who like women. I don't think chemicals have anything to do with it.

    Don't worry about it.  

  5. I doubt it... even if it is, L*****n couples would be going to sperm banks and g*y couples would be donating

  6. totally impossible. If so the world will be screwed up. But hey it already is anyway! Why would someone want to be g*y anyway?

  7. I highly doubt it.

  8. i doubt that, that is true. besides the majority of people are not g*y and g**s are many times made fun of and they cannot be a lot of things. like president... i think your friend is joking the world will never be 100 percent g*y no offense to g*y people

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