
Will the world end in 2012? Your opinion . . .?

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There's a lot going on in 2012. The Mayan long count calendar ends at the winter solstice (Dec. 21), it's a US election year, there's the Olympics, it's the 100th anniversary of RMS Titanic sinking, near Earth object 433 Eros will pass by, and Nostradamus and other writers have predicted cataclysm including the Prophecy of The Popes, and a possible reversal of Earth's magnetic field. And it's a leap year. Are we doomed?




  1. The world will end when it is time for it to end. There is nothing you can do about it so stop losing sleep over it.

    I don't have a job and I am behind on my rent. I have better things to worry about than what will happen in 2012. Now I'll tell you a secret. I don't worry about any of it. I enjoy life too much to waste it worrying.

  2. AH comon man you know thats all garbage watch 2012 is going to come and go just like every other day


  3. Mayan calendar means nothing.  If they knew so much about the end of the world why aren't they still around?

    The Olympics, leap year and the US presidential election year are always the same year.  They occur every 4 years.  So there's a 25% chance the world will end during an election year.  Nothing special there.

    What would the Titanic have to do with anything?  Seriously.

    Object 433 Eros is expected to be within 16.6 million miles of Earth.  (The Moon is roughly 235,000 miles from Earth.)  So although this is close on a relative scale of the universe, it's not *that* close.

    Nostradamus never mentioned 2012.  It's unlikely he mentioned the Prophecy of the Popes either, since he died before it was first published in 1595.

    The Earth's magnetic field does reverse occasionally, but it's not a sudden event.  I think we'd know by now if it were going to happen.

  4. I don't know about 2012 but I do know we are well on our way to killing off our own planet. I think death is just a change as we know it. Maybe people won't survive when it happens but we really haven't been here for long to begin with. We'll just move on to the next plane and some thing else will take over where we screwed up.

  5. Most likely, but hey there's nothing we can do now :( Except live your life to the fullest while you still can.

  6. the catastrophy will always be unpredicted when it comes to exact date it will happen..the more it is talked about the less its probability to happen.

  7. uhh... no. i hope not.

  8. If it does, just think..........

    No more bills.

    No more taxes.

    Can't get any better than that.

  9. I don't know if the world is going to end that year, but I do know that we should be expecting something to happen...  I am fairly superstitious and what I have heard of this is totally mostly guesses....  We thought before that the world was going to end on 6-6-06 didn't we?  Well we learned that didn't happen......

  10. In my opinion the world as we know it will end in 2012 but it might end tomorrow for all I know for sure.

    When we developed antibiotics the world we knew ended, When we developed an atomic bomb, when we went to the moon, etc., etc. the world we lived in ended.

    I hope to see some major change in 2012 like the first human grown organ that works as a transplant (being worked on now I understand) or a Mars landing that can explore the entire planet, or something that at least starts to approach light speed, gene therapy that is safe and effective for a variety of diseases.

    All of these things would effectively end the world we now live in or at least change it so that past generations wouldn't comprehend it.


  11. No not really(I hope) but since it was written"No one but the Father will know the time and place" I doubt that it will be global disaster.As far as the magnetic pole shifting,the earth has done this many times.On Highway 40 just a little past Barstow is an ancient lava flow.The igneous rocks ther were formed with a reverse polarity(south being north and so on looking at the molecular structure of their forming)I think we will be in a change,but not doomed.

  12. I have to agree with the dude who said that most of those events happen anyways.

    As for the calendar not meaning anything- it does, but people calculate the world to end because in that year, however, the Mayan calender starts over, but that's it. They were very good astronomers, so the calender was able to calculate when the sun was at it strongest and weakest- kinds of like the Druid's Stonehenge. However, they seemed to disappear too.

    They're no longer around because Europeans killed them off- as for the Druids, they probably split up or Christianity wiped out their practices.

  13. Edgar Cayce said it wont end, but we may have pole shifts :)

  14. there is no end. the earth is just a rock spinning around a star. it has no consciousness and doesnt have ability to tell time or explode itself. read the bible if you want to know about "the end".

  15. Wow, what a coincidence!  It's an election year, a leap year, AND the olympics?  Wow!  What's even crazier is that EVERY 4 years this century will be a leap year, election year, and olympics.  I wonder if that means the world will end every 4 years?  That would really suck.  I guess that would make sense, though, because Nostradaumus made enough cataclysmic predictions to cover most of this century.  That in combination with the 1 in 400,000 chance that Eros will hit us and the 700,000 year reversal-cycle of the Earth's magnetic field makes for an absolute certainty that the world will spontaneously combust at precisely 12:21 P.M. on 12/21/2012 (eastern time, of course).

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