
Will the world end in 2012?

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Will the world end in 2012?




  1. I certainly hope so.... preferably before the London Olympics if possible please.

    I don't think I can face all the hype and trumpet blowing again (If this year was anything to judge by) It's bound to be far worse seeing as it's actually going to be here.

  2. Yes.

  3. No, but the world will.  

    When the sun's over... or when we crush with the moon.

    The orbits are getting smaller, except for the far-lying planet. This is because the masses rise and the centrifugal force also plays a role. But what is clear, the moon will return to the Earth encounter, as the Earth pulls the moon and the moon does not have enough centrifugal force to flee.

    So the world will end, but not 2012.

  4. according to the mayan calander system yes,  

  5. For many people it will

  6. dont know, dont care

  7. No body knows when the world will end, I don't know why people try to predict our demise all the time!!

    Let's just live each day as if it's our last and enjoy every second we have on this crazy planet!!

  8. No,

    it's not the apocalypse.

  9. Somehow I doubt it, it's probably just another mad doomsday theory, but even if it does why worry about it?

  10. I hope not!

  11. No.  I don't think the world will end in 2012.  If the world ends in 2012, then we won't see the Olympics, enjoy another leap year, and vote for a new President of the United States.

  12. It's just the end of the Mayan calendar on 12/21/12.

  13. Possibly.

    It's just as likely to end in 2012 as it is in 2011 or 2013.  

  14. Probably - London are holding the olympics!

  15. No, I do not believe so.

    There are things written about prophecies of 2012 but I think the media really built it up into something much more horrifying then it's supposed to be.  

  16. no, but it will if all people suddenly commit suicide and burn their houses after hearing this news

  17. the earth has been here for billions of years, been thru meteor showers, ice ages, plate techtonics, reversal of magnetic poles, etc....its not going anywhere don't worry bout that.....people on the other hand only been here tens of thousands of years, only been polluting it last what 100-150 years, a mere blink of the eye, we ain't going to destroy the earth, we might destroy ourselves but earth will be fine

  18. I dont believe that c**p

  19. im not sure it does seem quite weird

    Anyway the world might be ending in seven days if this experiment goes wrong.

  20. I don't think anyone can answer that question...but I do know that knowing something will occur should logically bring more comfort than not knowing what will happen two seconds from now..which is what we do every day. If we really knew that the world was going to end, everyone would be living each day as if it was their last, and it's obviously not happening.

  21. There are so many ideas about this we wont know until its nearly too late.

    - the aztec calender ends at 2012 doesnt mean the world ends

    - end of life

    - next evolutionary process

    - end of life as we know it (some live some die)

    The list goes on but all we can do is sit it out what you choose to do with the time between now and then is up to you but it does make you wonder well what if anything i do isnt worth it and life does end but then you have to think also what if it doesnt end i'll have just wasted my time on nothing. It's a no win situation unless you dont let it bother you which i dont considering i love controversial theory.

  22. Have some faith, alien...

    Don't ask such depressing questions.

    Whether it'll end or not doesn't depend on what people say.

    Just live a happy life and be happy (as well as drugfree).

    The world will end whenever it wants. It should not affect our activities.

  23. the aztecs seem to think so

  24. I'll be 70 year's old ,so am ready! Let the good time Roll !

  25. Only one way to find out.

  26. Nobody knows the only person who knows is God.

  27. Apparently it's gonna end next Wednesday because that's when this crazy scientist has decided he is gonna zap all the black holes, and loads of other scientists say that will cause the end of the world.

  28. No, the whole mayan calender thing ending 21-23 december 2012 is just stupid, they HAD to end it somewhere. All the other reasons the world will end on 2012 are pretty far out, like the volcano erupting every 650,000 years and all that. The world will not end for a long time.

  29. does it really matter when the world will end, its not like we can do anything about it.

  30. no one can answer that question no one can read the future

  31. i don't think so cause that's what they said in the yr 2000 n we r still here aren't we

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