
Will the world end?

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Im just wondering what you think, because of all the tornadoes and storms, hurricanes, earthquakes, etc. do you believe that this may be a sign of earth ending or has it always been like this. please let me know what you think if you have any idea or explanation please let me know. thanks =D




  1. amandasaurus- that's not correct. our sun is not massive enough to become a supernova- it will expand and become a red giant over the next 5 billion years, but it will not end in a supernova explosion.

  2. yes wether it be by man or natural disaster or a supernatural disaster

  3. yes it will be but perhaps it's transform into a new form.. i tends to more believe with that.. as mention in mass and energy conservation law..

    we might stay exist but just our energy and it has transformed into another form.. hmm.. sounds confusing..

  4. meaby its posible

  5. The world will end as we know it, because the evil one's time is almost up and then we will have a period of peace as God intended for us from the begining because God is Love.

  6. amen!

    i think the same.

    im so worried because im so young.



    we werent here when it started and i dont think were going to be here when it ends.

  7. My science teacher told us. The world will end when the sun runs out of hydrogen. The sun originally had 10 billion years of hydrogen, but the sun is half way through its lifetime, so the sun only has about 5 billion more years of hydrogen left. And when the hydrogen is gone.. BANG! Supernova.

  8. no way in the near future! 5000 billion years from now!

  9. i think the world is going to end. soon, maybe in 100 years.

  10. The world might end. By the effect of global warming, all the land might be flooded or perhaps destroyed by cyclone, hurricanes or typhoon. As for earthquake, I dunno how. You go watch the movie 'Sinking of Japan' then you will know how.

  11. No, this is no apocalyptic period.
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