
Will the world really end in 2012?

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Does anyone know if there are real predictions for 2012. Did cults just come up with this ir what? I know the mayans didnt predict the end, but rather enlightenment. What is going to happen :( ?




  1. Lucky for us no. Put in about 300,000,000 years the sun will explode and bam world is gone.

  2. Probably not.

    Ever since the 6/6/6 (June 6, 2006) End of the World scenario did not pan out, the scare mongers have been touting the 2012 End of the World scenario. When 2012 does not happen either, I am sure they will think of something else.

    "But of that day or hour, no one knows, neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Be watchful! Be alert! You do not know when the time will come." (Mark 13:32-33)

    Jesus told us in no uncertain terms that we were not to know when the end of the world would come but that we were always to be ready.

    Each new Christian denomination seems to worry about the end of the world a bit too much. Then after a couple of centuries, they realize that there are always wars and rumors of wars, etc.

    I won't even mention the hundreds of false predictions of the end of the world over the centuries, all of which were based on individual interpretations of biblical prophecies.

    The early Christian Church thought that Jesus was going to return at any moment. Only after a couple of centuries did the Church realize that it may be 2,000 or 4,000 or 8,000 years before Jesus returns.

    The Catholic Church wisely follows Jesus' advice and teaches that each of us should live as if we will meet our maker in the next ten minutes and that we need to work to make the world a better place for our 100 X great-grandchildren.

    Do not worry about the end of the world. Trust God to make sure everthing happens to plan. Just be ready to meet God at any time.

    For more information, about what Catholics believe about the end of the world, see:

    With love in Christ.

  3. if global warming gets worse, then it might cause a slight drop in population....but i dont know about the whole world coming to an end. thats a bit of exaggerating i think

  4. I heard of it it came form some ancient people it was predicted on calendar 500 years ago if you really think that the world is going to end

    start achieving your goals right now or explore the world to live a happy life! =/

  5. All this disaster and enlightenment stuff is garbage.  All of it, without exception.  It is a set of lies and fraud to get people to watch faked up documentaries on TV and expose them to whatever advertising there is, to buy fraudulent books and videos and to direct traffic to moronic websites on the net.  

    It is just a money making scheme based on the fact that one of the many Mayan calendars runs out in 2012, though we do not quite know which day.  The reason it runs out is that it was just a count of days from a date in the legendary past of the Mayans, and when the numbers got to big for their primitive counting system to handle they had to do a re-start.  

    There is also a lot of hooey attached to this by these liars about galactic centres, Nibiru, which is the Babylonian name for Jupiter  and planetary alignments.  If the ancient Maya were still around they would be laughing themselves silly.

  6. Well everyone said the world was going to end in 2000 but we know how that turned out.  The world as we know it, not to world, may end in 2012 but that can happen tomorrow or in 100 years.  All it takes is one nuke and the world will never be the same.  With all the tension in the world and every radical country starting to make nukes, somethings got to happen soon.  As for 2012, people just make that stuff up, and after it doesn't happen then, they will say 2020 is the year the world will end.  If you live each day like threes no tomorrow and enjoy life you have nothing to worry about anyway.

  7. Scientists don't expect anything out of the ordinary to happen in the year 2012, or specifically on the date December 21, other than the solstice, which happens every year.

    None of the "predicted" happenings for 2012 hold up under close scrutiny. "Planet X" and "Nibiru" simply don't exist. The Mayan calendar ends a cycle, but there were no predictions of the end of the world. The Sun doesn't line up with the galactic centre; it's 6 degrees off. No asteroids or comets are actually predicted to hit Earth.

    All of this stuff was put together by crackpots in order to promote their books and TV shows, and shamelessly promoted by the History Channel. Don't take any of it seriously!

  8. Heck no. Wait 'til then and see for yourself how dumb the idea is :p

    I'll tell you what WILL happen.........I'm gonna turn 21!

    That's about it :p

  9. No.

  10. Yes it will... Send me all your possessions and I'll get you on the correct elevator..  

  11. According to Mayan and Aztec calenders the world ends its 13ths cycle on Dec 21 2012. Probably won't, but you can't ignore the fact that the Aztecs did predict their own demise with near perfection.

    But, I wouldn't worry about that date. Worry about Friday April 13th, 2029. That's the day NASA predicts a comet will come so close to the Earth it will enter the region of space where we put our satillites in orbit. While it will likely not actually hit the earth, we all know NASA isnt perfect, and either way we will lose a lot of satillites.


    I love it when people disagree with fact :) Hilarious.

  12. ever hear of the 1995,98,99,Y2k,february 2008,yadadadada i belive it willl end in 6 billion years wen the sun explodes but we probably can fix it by then

  13. hope not!  I want to see the olympics in 2012!

  14. Yes!,we are all doomed ???,If Gorden Brown(uk)...and George Bush(us) have anything to do with our lives?. one is an un-elected accountant;the other; only got into power by a  by fixing votes in Florida(so therefore both un-elected?),They will easily lead all of us into ... armageddon to save their pathetic poll's about time we had a real revolution to eradicate these *** holes!!!

  15. No, there are no real predictions.

  16. Tell us all here in your own words why you would think the world will end in 2012, when it has existed for over 4 billion years, and life has existed for the best part of that?

    I guess you would believe a prediction from Mickey Mouse.  

  17. i think something bad might happen but u can believe what evr u wanna believe but u can look it up

  18. definitely no. if you believe in the bible it states that God will never flood the earth again and Jesus is returning for a spotless bride.

  19. I say that this is just a myth.  Some things may change, like I believe that people will be less evil after this, but I do not see our planet blowing up or something like that.  I say no.  

  20. who in the world told you that the world is coming to an end ,the bible states no man no the hour or time of day that it is going to take place, all we as a people has to do is prepare ourselves for the coming of the lord , so don't let no one tell you otherwise, be faithful and just , the lord will keep his his promise to all who believes amen ,have a wonderful bless day amen.

  21. unless we nuke  or poison our selves or the government create some germ that kill  us we will be fine ok  

  22. There isn't a single real prediction except that the solstice will occur on 21st December 2012. Talk of mystery planets, pole shifts, galactic alignments, etc. is all garbage.

  23. Nothing really. Its just a make believe story to scare everyone.

  24. For many people, yes.

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