
Will the world really end in 2012

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i have been hearing so much about the world will be done in 2012. i remember this happening in 99, that when 2000 hit we were done, i cant believe this new one, but a part of me cant help but be scared. whats every one else heard or think about this,




  1. No. There have been thousands of end of the world predictions. As far as I can tell none have come true yet. I don't see any reason why this one would be any different.

  2. Nope. I wonder how many times this question has been asked on  

  3. This is a myth based on the irresponsible, (and repeated) airing of a ridiculous pseudo-documentary on the History Channel. That network, and the Discovery Channel and Fox, will air anything they feel will get a bigger audience. Sometimes, their shows are good and worth watching. Other times, they are foolish, sensationalist, tabloid-style hype. It is often difficult to tell which is which, unless you know about a subject. I know about the history of doomsday predictions, pseudoscience, and astronomy.

    The Mayan calendar does not predict the end of the world. They did keep an accurate calendar, but contrary to popular opinion, never predicted any world event accurately. They couldn't predict their own demise; why should they be able to predict ours?

    The alignment with the galactic center is not going to happen. It comes fairly close to happening EVERY year on Dec 21, and will be exactly the same as it always is, in 2012. Even if some perfect alignment did occur, there is nothing about it that could affect the earth. It's like saying, "When these three parking spaces are occupied by three red cars, the world will come to an end."

    Doomsday prophets have always been around and they are always wrong. Every 5 to 10 years, some prediction catches the public's attention and scares a lot of kids...usually thanks to irresponsible media decisions. Dozens of different doomsday scenarios have been piggy-backed on to this date since the show aired. Go to this site to see how many predicted apocalypses we have already missed.

    All that Nibiru stuff is bunk, too. No such planet has ever been discovered. The claim that it was discovered some 25 years ago is not true.


    prior to 1990

    1990 to 1997











    What do you think? We're still here, eh?

  5. The year 2012 is rumored to be the end of the world.  But do not worry.  Do not be scared.  I assure you that the world will not end on 2012 December 21 but it will end one day.  Remember that if there is a beginning, there is an end.  

    Nostradamus and the book of Revelation

    Nostradamus’ prophecy of when the world will end is far into the future, past about AD 3700.  This is in agreement with what I heard and learned from the Holy Spirit—that there will only be about 144,000 around AD 2200, peace reigns for a thousand years while the Devil, or Satan, is chained up and locked up in the abyss till around AD 3200 (Revelation 20:1-7), and then Satan will be let loose from his prison to deceive the descendants of the elect for about 500 years (Revelation 20:7-10).  After that, the end will come (Revelation 21:1).

    Mayan calendar

    The Mayan’s Mesoamerican Long Count calendar forms the basis for a New Age belief, first forecast by Jose Arguelles, that a cataclysm will take place on or about 2012 December 21 (Wikipedia).  Mainstream Mayan scholars consider “cataclysm” or “apocalypse” as a misinterpretation for to the Mayan scribes, it literally means uncovering or revealing.

    The Long Count has 360 days in a year called “Tun”.  A “Tun” has 18 months or “unials” and each “unial” has 20 days.  Twenty (20) Tuns is a Katun and 20 Katuns is a Baktun (144,000 days or about 400 solar years).  Thirteen (13) Baktuns is a “Great Cycle” of 1,872,000 days (5,200 Tuns or about 5,125 solar years).  The Great Cycle in the proleptic Gregorian calendar started on 3114 BC August 11 (day and ends on 2012 December 21 (day – winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere.  The Great Cycle restarts the next day (day  The representation of the Great Cycle of the Mayan Long Count calendar is as follows: (13 Baktuns.20 Katuns.20 Tuns.18 Uinals.20 days).

    A thousand years of peace

    In the book of Revelation, it tells us about a period of a thousand years of peace. Has this occurred already since the time of Jesus?  Not yet. That will still come. Those that give predictions of the world’s end, such as 2012 and numerous times during the past, are pseudo-preachers. Have they talked to God directly? If so, give proofs.

    Inevitable physical death

    But there is something that will certainly happen—and that is our physical death. This is what we should prepare for. It may come when least expected. We do not know the day and the hour. It will come like a thief in the night. So we just have to be prepared all the time. Search for the true God and when we find Him, follow His commandments and remain in Him until our last dying breath.

    Survival kit – faith in the true God

    This is all that we have to do. It is faith in the true God that we can take with us when we depart from this world. If we denied Him, He will deny us also before the Father in Heaven and send us to h**l. This is very scary – to live in h**l forever.  If we knew Him and loved Him and followed His commandments, then He may reward us to live with Him eternally in His kingdom in Heaven. This is the survival kit that we should have.

    2012 is 20 + 12 = 32, age of Jesus when crucified

    Did you know that in his/her boredom, “Thanks for reading this” theorized in Yahoo Answers, Religion & Spirituality section, that 2012 could be 20 + 12 = 32, the approximate age of Jesus when He was crucified and died?  I answered that he/she is correct in his/her theory.  When Jesus died, He was actually 32 solar years old, equivalent to 33 lunar years.  This is found in the results of a study that I did to check if what the Holy Spirit said regarding the crucifixion of Jesus on August 17 is correct or not.  Details are in  Is this a sign that God is warning us of the impending calamity around 2012, like the end of the Mayan’s calendar cycle?  But I repeat, 2012 is not the end of the world yet.

    The 144,000 marked good people

    The Holy Spirit also told us that beings from another planet will take only the marked good people out of this world.  I asked Him if it’s a million.  He said much less than that.  Then I asked if the number is the one mentioned in Revelation and He affirmed it.  A few weeks ago this year, 2008, as I was reading Revelation, I came across Revelation 14:3 to wit (King James Version):  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœAnd they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth.”  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœRedeemed from the earth” means saved from the earth.  And there were 144,000 of them.  This must be what the Holy Spirit was referring to several years ago.  

    Advice of the Holy Spirit

    His advice to all: leave their wicked way of life and change their way of thinking.  We should come back to the true God before it’s too late.  (I read in Isaiah 55:7 this message, to wit (KJV): “Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.”)  Be good then so that we may be considered to be among the 144,000 who will be saved, and later will restart and repopulate this world.  The Holy Spirit told us to tell people about this prophecy even though they accuse us as being out of our minds, crazy or lunatics.  He assured us that this will happen, similar to Noah’s prophecy of the Great Flood which took a hundred years before it was fulfilled.  The ark was the vessel used to save Noah and his family and the animals.  This time, another kind of vessel will be used to save the elect.


    World War III to start at Spratly Islands

    What is also certain to happen very soon (in about 2012 or earlier) is World War III and this is a nuclear war.  This “calamitous war” (as Nostradamus called it) will start from the Philippines, at Spratly Islands in particular.  The Spratly Islands lie on the southeast part of the South China Sea mostly near the coast of the Philippines.  The Holy Spirit told us that the Philippines is the wick of a gas lamp.  Once the wick is lit, it will be on and aglow.  He told us about this prophecy about two decades ago.  He said that the troubles in the Philippines will spread to the whole world until mankind is almost annihilated and a few will remain.  Spratly Islands are being claimed wholly by China, Taiwan and Vietnam; and partly by Malaysia, Brunei and the Philippines.  The area is considered a tinderbox, a flash point.  It is very rich in oil and gas resources, estimated to be more than the reserve of Kuwait.  The high price of oil may trigger the grabbing of these islands and start the war.

    Certainty of WW III

    Four independent prophecies point to the certainty that this will happen.  These are Nostradamus’ prophecies to happen around this time (quatrains 6:24 and 2:62) , the 56th Chinese prophecy of Tui Bei Tu (the past 55 prophecies have already been fulfilled) found at and Wikipedia, Revelation 9:18 of the Holy Bible, and those that the Holy Spirit revealed to us.  If you are interested in the details about these prophecies, please send me your request via email.

    Spiritual awakening after the war

    After the calamitous war, we will have a new age, a spiritual awakening or enlightenment, and peace will reign for a long time in this world.  The population would have been reduced by a third and there will be much arable land that will be available.  People will be living in planned cities and communities.  Would you like to live in a city where the land is free and you are guaranteed possession of the land for 50 years, renewable, and which you can bequeath to an heir?

    Come back to the true God now

    The Holy Spirit has given His prophecies and these are what will happen.  Be rest assured then that the world will not end yet.  But please, heed what He advises us to do—to change our wicked way of life and change our wrong beliefs.  Come back to the true God now before it’s too late.  There a lot of lessons to study.

    The decision to believe rests upon you

    I am just sharing with you what I heard and learned from the Holy Spirit.  The decision to believe Him or not depends upon yourself.  I am not forcing anyone to believe in what I share.  It is not my responsibility to save you or anyone, but the person’s.  He is the engineer of the house that he is building.

    Reassurance of the true God that He will save us

    Isaiah 35:4 (KJV) states: “Say to them that are of a fearful heart, Be strong, fear not: behold, your God will come with vengeance, even God with a recompense; he will come and save you.”

  6. idk, its possible, but only God knows

  7. I think the aliens will come back to Earth to check up on us and see how we have progressed. They gave the Mayans technology, who knows maybe they will come back and do it again. haah thats just my belief.

  8. It was a belief based on a society of people who wiped their asses with leaves and no longer exist.  Aztecs I believe.  But for you and the million other people who have asked, the world is not going to end in 2012.  Have fun!

  9. Take heed for 2012 is just the revealing of the 'antichrist' or the 'man of lawlessness' at the middle of what Jews and Christians call the 7 year Tribulation. Many pagan cultures from every corner of the world (Sumerians, Babylonians, Cherokee, Hopi, Chinese I-Ching {confirmed by T.McKenna}, Mayans, Egyptians, Celts, Satanists, etc...) celebrate this evil event called "the abomination that causes desolation". When will Yeshua Ha'Mashiach (Jesus) come? Only God Himself knows, but soon. If you believe or not, that is up to you. Either way it still comes.

    Things to look for to PROVE it to yourself soon:

    >Crash of American banks and its financial underpinning: Operation Sitting Duck

    >Fall of America as an economic power and other ways.

    >The Big One: Revelation 18. America goes down on the list of fabled societies nobody believes in any more like Atlantis, Mu, Lemuria, Hyperborea, etc..

    >Martial law. (Google some of Bush's executive orders concerning it- Nightmarish!)

    >Implementation of Project Bluebeam (be ready to hear more and more 'alien talk'... watch your local skies for the show!) Google and youtube it. Aliens... aliens... aliens...

    >Trying to make people first accept the REAL ID card (to get you in the system) and then right after forcibly implanting people with these RFID microchips:

    >The start of the North American Union.

    >Push to attack Iran which will start WW3-the atomic war to end all wars. (If you think China, Russia, and the Muslim world would just sit back, you are a mistaken fool!)

    >Final push to one world government: The New World Order- The 4th Reich!

    (The brutal final empire foreseen by Daniel and John)

    >Rise of a miraculous and awe mesmerizing world leader later to turn world dictator.

    >Push to one world religion where there are "manys ways to God".

    >Toleration of everything but Jews and Christians.

    >Temporary and unheard of "peace in the middle east".


    >More world wide food shortages and famines.

    >More earth quakes. More fires. Strange and severe weather.

    >Major spiritual awakenings.

    >Rise of Islamic fanaticism.

    >Rise in wickedness and corruption.


    Christians and Messianic Jews look forward to this as it means they will soon join their Messianic Saviour in the Millennial Kingdom of the next Age and their Heavenly Father later as "Children of Light". If you try to equate 2012 with Y2K or some other date that cried wolf, then you will be making the worst mistake in your life. Research all these things FOR YOURSELF!

  10. This is kind of a silly question... how should we know? It hasn't happened yet.

    My GUESS is no.  The people only predicted it at 2012 because that's when the Mayan calander stopped for some reason.  But if you're religious like I am, you'll take comfort in God's words: "No one will know the date or the hour." So, it can't be 2012, because we know about it already.  

    Still. Who knows? Live freely and the end of the world won't bother you so much. Besides, we're all going at once! Better then dying alone!  

  11. 0mg NO!! lol even though... like every week my pastor is sayin... its comin soon!! its comin! haha i truly doubt it will end right in 2012... even tho i havent even heard that yet! lol well no... but it will end eventually... possibly soon. so BE READY!! dont be too late =[

  12. If we could predict what'll happen on dec 21 2012 then we should of been able to know what was going to happen on sept 11 2001  

  13. There is no actual scientific theory or evidence that anything unusual is going to happen in 2012. It is a collection of myths and disproven theories being promulgated by doomsday predictors, who predict a new one every few years. The longer explanation is below:

    It is based on the end the current cycle of the Mayan long count calendar. No doomsday was predicted and the Mayan civilization died out, so a new cycle wasn’t written.

    Niburu (Planet X) doesn't exist. Zecharia Sitchin is an author of books promoting the ancient astronaut theory for human origins. He attributes the creation of the ancient Sumerian culture to the Annunaki (or Nephilim) from a hypothetical planet named Nibiru in the solar system. The Doomsayers predicted that it was to hit Earth in 2003. Undaunted when it didn't show up, they just moved it out to 2012 to coincide with the end of the Mayan calendar.

    Galactic Alignment - takes 36 years to precess through galactic equator, we will be 6 degrees off in 2012.

    Asteroid Apophis - the 2001 alert was for 2029, and was canceled after additional observations showed it would not hit us.

    Polar Shift - the magnetic poles are moving all the time. Polar reversal happens over thousands of years.

    Passage through a "photon belt" has been added. This is also untrue and wouldn't hurt us if it were. Photons are merely units of light.

    Solar flares happen all the time and we have more of them at some times than others. They haven't caused any serious problems in the past. The direct effects of solar flares are mainly related to communications and radio transmissions. We had a major series of solar flares in 2005. Did you notice anything? I didn't.

  14. I've answered this question a million times before, so you'll have to forgive my hasty list.

    1) No, it won't end.

    2) The Mayan calendar ends in 2012, which really isn't anything to be concerned about, as it was written around 1500 years ago, and one can't expect it to go on forever.  Saying that the Mayan calendar ending is a prediction of a doomsday scenario is no different than saying that because the 2008 calendar ends in December, 2008, the world will end on Dec. 31st, 2008.

    3) The final entry on this calendar is incomplete, so no one really knows what, exactly, they were predicting about 2012.  However, there is nothing in there to indicate that they believed the world would end.  In any case, why would we take such a prediction seriously?  They might have been fairly advanced in the area of astronomy, but they certainly couldn't see into the future via supernatural means.

    4) Some also say that we'll align with the galactic equator on the winter solstice of that year.  In reality, that already happened back in 1998, and since the world didn't end then, I think we're going to be okay.

    In short, no, the world won't end in 2012.  I can't wait until 2013, when everyone will finally stop worrying about this 2012 c**p, and move on with their lives.

  15. Let's try a different tack.  <lowering sails and surrendering>  No, just kidding.

    How about this... EVERY prediction of the End of the World was TRUE!

    I know... there have been dozens just since 1900, but suppose... just suppose that ALL of them came true.  One thing we have learned from Quantum Physics is that if one thing is possible, so is its opposite, so if the world ended in 1999, then it also DIDN'T end...

    ah <placing finger alongside nose in a gesture evoking much wisdom>

    chew on that flower, grasshopper.

  16. For you men and woman that are negative and don't think anything is gonna happen, get out of your d**n mystical bubble you've created for yourself because you fail to be of value to anyones questions. For your information, Theres is a planet that Nasa has found a while back that wasn't really exposed to the public. Its a planet called Nibiru. This Planet crosses into our solar system every 3,600 years. It's said that the planet is 8 times the size of earth. It will be visible in our atmosphere in 2010 as it gets closer and closer to us. Some of the southern Hemisphere can already see it. Nasa is keeping a close eye on it because its on its direct path in colliding with earth, the reason why a lot of information hasn't been exposed is because they want to prevent world chaos. Keep In mind this is the reason why Nasa Is at a race with time to see if we can live on Mars. In current times. They have found Water on Mars. And Have tasted it so I don't know. Do I hope they can save us Yes Of course I Do. But Do your research.. Theres a lot of information thats hasn't been exposed because the world is brainwashed by mindless entertainment., Theres much more advances in technology, video games cars television entertainment clothing style foods . So the system has kept you occupied. Sumaritans where said to be the first created to inhabit this earth. And has said to be far more advanced then any civilization that has inhabited the earth , even more advanced then us. Sumaritan tablets have made predictions that have came through in these tablets that have been scattered in sources all over the earth a few have recently been found 1 being in IRAQ. Found by united states army and quickly taken to be analyzed and converted to understanding. Scholars are keeping lots of information from the world. As far as that antichrist comment, I have not read what the person commented on but be aware. That he is among us. His name is said to be apostikane. His name comes out to be The three 6 digits. So be aware. Do your research. Theres a lot that people don't know about. Also there have been human skeletons found that are more then 20 feet tall. Full figures of these giants are appearing all over the world. I just thought that this evidence was amazing when I seen it with my own eyes. These comments isn't to scare anyone. Just do your research a lot of information is at your fingertips. Change your ways. Let the Lord into your life. Knowledge is Power. Thanks be to god..

  17. i dont beleive that but it scares me to.........ALOT. i hope not

  18. Don't worry just like it didn't happen in 2000 it definitely won't happen in 2012 will happen in many years from now until it's God's will...and no one knows the time or day but it won't be in like 5 years so don't live worrying about it.

  19. The entire idea of 2012 is completely bogus. It goes to show, never believe the History Channel. They are the people that started this craze of false, misleading so called “information” which is nothing more than junk. No self respecting scientist would ever believe in this sort of thing.

    The most significant definite astronomical event of 2012 will be the solstice which happens every year.

    First of all, the Mayans never predicted that the world was going to end in 2012. That’s when their calendar ended. If we are going to assume that because of the calendar ending that the world is going to end then we might as well say that the world will end on December 31, 2009 because no calendars have been printed for 2010 yet. So here that everyone? The world will end in 2009 because Hallmark hasn’t started production for 2010 calendars. See how much this idea is flawed already? Well I’m just getting started.

    Let’s start by showing how flawed the sources are to begin with. There are three main sources people use to try to argue on the side of the world ending.

    1. The History Channel

    2. YouTube

    3. The loons at “”

    All are utterly awful sources of information. First of all, I would not trust a station in which one of the programs is “Monster Quest” and “Ice Road Truckers”. In the beginning, it was a great station. But apparently, documentaries that actually tell facts have taken a back seat to modern pop culture, which is a real shame.

    YouTube… ok I get that people post links to videos on YouTube because they don’t want o search the web for a video on a trusted site when the same video can be found on YouTube… I don’t have a problem with that. Occasionally I will do that. But when people search “2012” they get a bunch of wrong, misleading documentaries that make up things and twist the truth either to mess with them, or to get money.

    And is a joke. I don’t understand how people can take that seriously. I actually found it quite funny instead of scary. I mean, it’s so ludicrous that it’s actually funny! ©2008-2012… haha…. 2008 through 2012 planner… haha.

    I really can’t believe that people take that website seriously. It’s like those rags you get as you check out of the grocery store!

    So if you’re not catching my drift by this point, obviously, it is all stupid, false information. So if you want the science part, then read on. But if you just want a simple answer, then no nothing will end the world in 2012 that couldn’t end it any other year. If you want proof, then continue reading.

    So let’s start with the most common theory. The idea that “Nibiru” is going to crash into Earth or it is going to block the sun’s light, thus killing us all. Well first of all, the 2012 loons need to come up with an original name for this so called “planet”. It’s an ancient name for “Jupiter” and Jupiter will stay in its normal orbit, even in 2012. So let’s come up with a more original name because that kind of ticks me off. It’s too bad the ancients didn’t have a copyright law, because I would love to fine all of the 2012 loons that started this c**p. Not the people that are mislead by it, because they are innocent people being blinded by the overwhelming amount of flawed logic and stupidity behind it.

    So let’s refer to it as “planet x” okay? No, that’s not okay either. First of all, the terminology isn’t “the planet x” but rather “a planet x”. The term “planet x” was picked up a couple hundred years ago and used to describe planets that they knew, or though existed, but hadn’t seen yet. Neptune was once considered a planet x. Astronomers calculated that Uranus’ orbit was being affected by another large object, probably a planet. So before Neptune was discovered, its name was “planet x”. When it was discovered and seen, it was given the name it has now, Neptune and is considered a planet (obviously). Another former “planet x” was Pluto. Pluto was actually discovered by a miscalculation. Astronomers thought that Neptune’s orbit was affected by another planet, but obviously Pluto is too small to affect anything. But in 1930, Pluto was discovered. It was considered a planet until 2006 when it was demoted to a dwarf planet. Other planet x’s include Sedna, Eris, among others. All planet x’s, with the exception of Neptune were eventually demoted to dwarf planets. So again, the 2012ers need to come up with their own names!

    But let’s pretend that there is another unknown planet out there. Let’s call it Bob. Let’s also pretend that Bob is larger than Earth. First of all, what would make Bob move closer to the sun? At first thought you would say “duh because the sun is pulling it into it! Haven’t you ever heard of gravity? Geez…” again, so flawed. First of all, this planet obviously has inertia. Duh, because it has matter! Inertia is the tendency of an object to resist motion. And if this planet is larger and more massive than Earth, it obviously has more inertial than Earth. So if in order for this planet to come towards Earth, the Earth would have to be moving towards the sun. And if the Earth was moving towards to Sun, then we wouldn’t be worrying about Bob!

    And if something massive and powerful enough to knock Bob out of orbit, it would not make to Earth in time for 2012. You know what would be really funny? If Bob was real, and it crashed into Earth in January 1st, 2013. I would be laughing uncontrollably.

    But let’s pretend that some event that defies all laws of physics magically moved Bob directly in front of Earth, blocking the sun’s light. Well, Bob would be in a different gravitational shell than the Earth. It would be closer to the sun, and it would move out of the way because obviously it would be orbiting faster than the Earth, because it is closer to the sun.

    So Bob isn’t going to hurt Earth. If it is real, which it probably isn’t he’s not going to be bothering Earth anytime soon.

    What about the asteroid theory? I can see why some people believe that asteroids will crash into Earth because they will. It’s not like asteroids haven’t crashed into Earth before. An asteroid the size of a school bus crashing into northern Africa is supposedly the cause for the demise of the dinosaurs. Geologists think that about the same number of asteroids that have collided with the Earth have collided with the moon. But this is just an estimate.

    About once every decade or so, an asteroid will find itself being pulled into Earth. But because of this wonderful atmosphere we have, the asteroid breaks apart, and burns up during the entrance. If there are any remnants, they are very small and it is rare that they do significant damage, though they do make very large craters.

    But the Earth has an excellent security system when it comes to asteroids. The closest asteroid belt to Earth is the one in between Mars and Jupiter. This asteroid belt divides the inner solar system from the outer solar system. Anyway, every once in a while an asteroid will find itself coming out of the belt, and towards the inner planets. It isn’t a rare occasion. But those asteroids don’t always come towards Earth. They will often hit the sun, and occasionally Mars. If an asteroid is coming towards Earth, it will probably hit the moon, and if it doesn’t the sun’s rays would have trimmed the little sucker down a whole lot. So it will probably burn up in the atmosphere. And if it was huge, the military can do a lot to take it down they can break it up fairly easily, and NASA has many ways of directing it towards the sun instead of the Earth.

    Okay so now you get the scientific side of it.

    And if you don’t believe me but are willing to believe the loons that write these so called “books” which are really just a waste of paper, and better used as a drink coaster, then why don’t you track one down and ask him/her to transfer all of their money into your account minutes before the world supposedly ends. You can be the judge on that one.

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