
Will their be a rugby 09? please answer if you you know or have reasons to believe so?

by  |  earlier

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yes i'm on about the video game




  1. My uncle works for Sony which is in touch with EA Games, and I have asked him this question before. He asked around and got through to the producers at EA, and they told him there WILL be a Rugby 09. I Cant wait!!!

    He said they plan for it to be on PS2, Wii(wow!), and theyre considering PS3

  2. Are you talking about a video game?  Please elaborate on rugby 09 because there are no major rugby tournaments in 09 besides the annual tri nations/ 6 nations and north/southern hemisphere tours.

  3. I doubt it and if there is they won't say anything about it because it wont make it to next gen consoles.

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