
Will their eventually be a 'cure' for aging and mortality and would we want one!?

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Will their eventually be a 'cure' for aging and mortality and would we want one!?




  1. never mortality but they might be able to slow down aging

  2. if no one died.. we'd run out of planet pretty fast.

  3. It's science fiction. Cells reproduce less efficiently as they age, so the only way of stopping the aging process would be to replace the damaged cells with newly cloned ones that reproduced more efficiently, and this is just too big a task. Even using nano bots this would be too big a task.

    The only hope would be to transfer your consciousness into a new body. But even then you would be making a copy not moving the original. The original person would still die, only there would be a new, but seperate, person still living afterwards.

    Living forever would also mean working forever, as pensions would run out and social security would not be sufficient to allow people to retire for long.

  4. mortality i dont think so.

    we will be able to slow down ageing in about 70 years. there working on it but it could only be a years difference, i reckon in about 150 years if the planets in habitable then we will have a good anti ageing product but really would you want the so called 'terrible two' for a child going on for 2 years?

  5. I would say NO. I think you'll find the kids born today will live longer maybe to 120 years of age.This will be achieved by using medicines prophylactically before disease occurs: the prime candidates being cholesterol lowering statins already over the counter in the UK. But as cells divide the seem to clock their own milage due to the inability of the DNA enzymes to replicate the ends of DNA, TELOMERES. Telomeres shorten after each cell division and eventually cell suicide mechanisms are evoked to cause the cell to die off lest it get too old and mutated and cause cancer.

    Interestingly an old anticancer drug, Cisplantin was remarkable for its ability to extend the lifetimes of healthy mice by 1/3 when first tested. I think this probably was due to stopping cell division and inhibiting P21 , a sensor of cell age. Not 100% sure if this is why

    Would we want a cure? : if you could stay healthy, well yes. If you ended up with arthritis and in pain then no. This was the Sybilia's problem in Aedeid Book VI; she wished for eternal life but not eternal youth:)

  6. Someone responded "It's Science-Fiction"!  So, that would be like computers, robots, powered-flight, space-travel, mobile phones, lasers, the internet...  Do you see my point?  Everything we want, all we engineer to imagine, we end up imagining to engineer!

    Rather than keep an organic body alive, the 'soul', the characteristic, discreet consciousness, will be "side-loaded" into a big computer.  That will be carried around in a tough, pain-free, android body.  Welcome, Mr Data.

  7. keep your eye on Bill Gates...(i'm not saying anymore)

  8. once they find the fountain of youth ... if it really exists.

  9. I have been doing some research on this product that was just released 2 weeks ago called Vivix.  Here are some of the things I have found about it so far:

    It fights aging at a cellular level (DNA - like the response before this one was talking about). As probably know cells make up tissues, which make up organs, which make up us (organisms)…so if you can slow the aging process of your cells, you are fighting aging at its source.

    I don’t know if you have seen anything about Dr. David Sinclair from Harvard Medical (Newsweek, New York Times, Fortune…), but he discovered that resveratrol effects a gene that controls the aging process of that cell.  He also found that resveratrol is found in red wine (see the first source – ABC News clip/Interview).  Since his discovery there have been over 2,000 research publications, including studies conducted by Harvard University, the National Cancer Institute, and the National Institute on Aging, part of the National Institutes of Health.

    For more specifics as well as other product info I found the 2nd source to be very helpful.

    A few things of note that impressed me in comparing anti-aging products:

               - Dr. David Sinclair is a part medical advisory board of the company who developed Vivix

               - There are other products with resveratrol, but only Vivix combines resveratrol with a polyphenol blend (made from the only grape in nature with an extra chromosome)

               - The combination of Vivix ingredients is 10X as effective as resveratrol alone

               - No artificial flavors, colors, sweeteners, or preservatives have been added

               - Standardized to a minimum of 98% purity – which is unheard of (written right on the ingredient label of the box)

               - It is a Shaklee product – WOW!! (see 3rd resource – if time is an issue, skip to slide 8 and continue from there)

               - Shaklee now owns all of the largest sources of that grape referred to previously

    There is much more, but don’t want to overwhelm you – if you have questions you can use the "contact me" on the top of the page of the 4th source which is also where you can get Vivix (VIVIX IS NOT AVAILABLE IN ANY STORES).

  10. The world would become overpopulated more than it already is.  

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