
Will there be A GLOBAL WAR of Muslims against USA and/or Europe if the so-called "War on Terror" becomes....?

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  1. Sure?

    There be one?


    Look in the real world.

    Why not ask the "Dirty old men" ?

    Who would be king in own backyards with self lack of knowledge on what the Liberation of Freedom from world war two was all about?

    Exodus 20.1-3

    Ask them who led and guided them to walk out to their Freedom after world war two when they was crawling on all fours?

    Leviticus 26.13

    Did all their young ones was crawling with them in those days too?

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    Was it not the "Dirty old men" who crowned themselves as the men who would be king short-changing, conning and deceiving their own young ones with self lack of knowledge on tribe with non-existence rights of original descendant as cheap-skate ghostly stories?

    Luke 3.7-9

    Even in broad daylights too with non-existence rights of Independence Day too?

    Exodus 13.21

    While pointing fingers at the so-called colonial riulers was oppressing them as cheap-skates ghostly stories in kicking the biutts of their own young one in making a monkey out of them with self lack of knowledge.

    Getting them all kick on the butts as casualty of the dead Mummy of failures and horrors of the past from the graveyards of different ghostly ancestor's culture and custom in kicking the butts of God in not worshiping God?

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    Until the young ones kick the butts of the men who would be king in pulling down their pants in baring their own backsides with self lack of knowledge.

    In misbehaving with unruly behaviour, self prides, self rudeness, self image of standing idol with rise of idol of graven image and idol of statues as cheap-skate glory of National Identity and landmarks all over the land on non-existence rights of Independence Day.

    With self discrimination as people of different races of self racism with self lack of knowledge.

    Exposing their own Elders the men who would be king were rude in kicking the butts of God in not worshiping God in time.

    In making a monkey out of the men who would be king as the dogs that bite it's master after crawling on all fours back in the past.

    As tribe of a Rudeness Tribe with cheap-skate ghostly stories for little children with self lack of knowledge in kicking them on the butts in making a monkey out of them in time.

    Leviticus 4. 13, 22

    What do you think?

  2. Global dominance has always been, is, and will always be the goal of the Muslims. If there is a war, it  will be their doing.

  3. It is a possibility, but there are other possibilities.

    Bottom line: I hope Islamic fanatics and NATO will kill each other, so normal peace loving people will be able to live in peace, please God.

  4. These rather primitive ideas have been promoted for some time by Muslim radicals. Since most of Europe is in a post Christian phase I can hardly see anyone there going on a crusade against Muslims.

    The secularism of the modern states in this world would not see this as a possibility.

    Most Muslims I know would rather enjoy the same things as most people in the world, like movies,music,video games, etc etc than go out and fight others because of some distorted view of jihad.

  5. Our main worry at the moment is Russia.   If we get into the Georgia conflict, then it will be "hardball" with Russia.  

    They don't like us being in Poland and it wouldn't surprise me if they came back to Cuba again.  

    Russia wants their old states back and is flexing it arm right now to bring it about.   They also support Iran and are financially involved with them..

    Whichever way it comes down, our future will never be like our past has been, we are in for a NEW world order whether we like it or not, and the US middle class is going to be the new poor class.

  6. you bet ye there will be.

  7. There is going to be a global war between Islamists (not all Muslims; those who want to take over the world) and the West.  But other factors are entering into it: China with its atheist capitalist totalitarianism; Russia with its atheist Socialist totalitarianism; and of course the majority of the West, which has secular governments and largely Christian (more or less) populations.  Will Islamists ally themselves with China? Only reluctantly I think, and China might choose the West as providing more business.  Will Russia ally itself with the West?  Probably, but it won't be an easy alliance; just a matter of "the enemy of my worst enemy can be my ally but not my friend."  

    Which way will Europe go?  Will it become an Islamist region, or will it remain part of the West?  It will be interesting to see.  

    And then Africa....  And will Latin America join in, or stay out of it?

  8. And the Muslims conveniently forget that the Crusades were in response to the invasion of the European Continent by the Muslims.

    So, now with that said, where is it going to go?

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