
Will there be Demorats in Heaven?

by Guest33872  |  earlier

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Especially of the hypocritical hillbilly bleeding heart white trash variety




  1. yes there will be...I think they get 76 chubby interns when they get there.

  2. What's a demorat?  An as of yet undiscovered rodent?  I just hope there are no repubicans

  3. Never heard of Demorats. They must be from Arkansas.There will be hypocritical people there.

  4. To quote my ecology professor, "I don't know, because I'm not God!" But if there are no Democrats in heaven, I'm not going!

  5. I'm Hillbilly white trash (thank you kindly) And I'm here to tell you that there is no heaven. There is however, peace from the bill collectors. He/She who dies with the most toys, Wins.

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