
Will there be a Shotgun Wedding in the Rose Garden?

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Repbulican family values - America's greatest Oxymoron.




  1. McCain/Palin won't win. So, the wedding will be in Vegas at Circus Circus. The Palin's like to pretend they're not elite, and that's how it would go down for regular Americans in that situation.

    This is a great example of how abstinence only education does not work.

  2. I think it's horrible that they are forcing her to get married. And before you jump down my throat you KNOW they are forcing her.

    How many of those 'you knocked me up at 17 so we have to get married' marriages work? Just another statistic waiting to happen.

  3. No.  

    McCain and Palin won't be winning the White House.

    And if Bristol Palin and her baby's daddy are so in love, why didn't they get married BEFORE she got pregnant?

  4. - Knocked up!

    - Who's there?

    - Palin

    - Palin who?

    - Palin comparison to the Democratic ticket

  5. Your one sick character to smear a 17 year old child

  6. Isn't it funny that a liberal, educated Democrat would fall back on the old redneck, hillbilly phrase of "shotgun wedding"?

    Especially one who has no idea what "family values" really are and thinks they are only about abstinence.

    No, I think Palin's daughter and the father of her daughter's baby will be married before the election, negating the possibility of a Rose Garden wedding.  

    Would have been nice, though, wouldn't it?

  7. I hope the Palin family puts a slander suit against everyone that has fed this lie about Sarah.

    As the reports say, the Palin's daughter came to them and told them she was pregnant; she is currently five months with child.  She will marry the baby's father; which most teenagers don't do.

    Where in the article does it say the Palin's are forcing their daughter to marry.     NO WHERE

    Stop the lies, its hurting your candidate

    Stop the slander; you don't help Obama at all.

  8. She could've seen the baby as a punishment like Obama does.

  9. You're now making it fair game to go after Obama's kids.  Think first before you fling mud.

  10. They'll stay in Alaska, don't worry.

  11. Double standards don't go over good with me.

  12. Yes

  13. Who cares, I don't. What would Obama make his daughter do if it were her?

  14. No, "Pale in comparison to Obama" Palin will run back to the wilds of Alaska when she and "McPain" are trounced in the general election.  I am sure her daughter and the baby daddy will live in a trailer park in Anchorage and have a brood of Republican kiddies!  

  15. No, but maybe in the cabbage patch. Isn't that where born- again girls get their off-spring. After all, they don't have s*x.

    The rest of you phonies should cut the c**p, if this were an inner city black 17 year old child, the whole thing would be addressed differently. In keeping to the biggest common denominator, for all Republicans, be a hypocrite. I never met a Republican who wasn't one and who wasn't always willing  to change the dialog in the opposite direction when it pertains to one of their own. Stop the hypocrisy and take responsibility for all your collective actions or stop criticizing your fellow man every time one makes a mistake.

  16. Your feeble schadenfreude is extremely tasteless.

    Why don't you join the expected hatefest over at Daily Kos.

    The 17-year old girl involved is not running for public office and should not be subjected to ridicule.

    Do you remember what it was like to be her age?

    Or does that matter to you?

  17. This is a perfect example of the far right, DO AS I SAY NOT AS I DO.The republicans think they are above all. Just like d**k Chaney's q***r daughter and the airport restroom trysts. Double standards and in greed we trust.  Also the far right kiddies in this forum want four more years of what we have now.

  18. Yes the republicans will marry the white house for 4 more years

  19. If she was a Dem she would just kill the baby and move on!

  20. To you does family values mean smearing a pregnant teen?  

    Grow up.  

  21. I've never seen so many conservatives promoting birth out of wedlock today lol kind of ironic they go away from their beliefs to defend a poor VP choice

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