
Will there be a World War 3 by 2050?

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What do you all think?




  1. I wouldn't be surprised if there were one, and if China were a major player in it.  Maybe China vs. Russia, though that match up seems highly unlikely right now.  As soon as two major nations start fighting watch India and Pakistan start launching missiles at one another.  

    It'll be a mess.  Hopefully, it won't be started by us (meaning the USA)

  2. yeah and russia is gonna start it. sorry but i think so. :S

  3. much earlier than that, started by the dark forces behind the US government.

  4. yep by 2012, probably a lot sooner.

  5. Since i figure I will be gone by then, I hope so.

  6. Yes, and none of you seem to be getting ready for it and talking about how to live through it.

    You losers will be mowed down like sitting ducks, is my guess

    It is not about what if, or when, but what are you going to do when it happens, because you sure will not be able to stop it.

    There are 3 types of people in the world, those who make it happen, whose who watch it happen, and those who wonder what happened.  Which one are you?

  7. I think it might be starting right about now... give or take a couple years.

  8. I think WWIII could break out earlier, if Russia continues to act the way it is, and us Americas continue to butt our way into everyones business. There comes a time when we need to let the other countries deal with their own musings. Here on the homefront, we have our own issues that need major dealing with. The Katrina disaster for example... With the third anniversery approaching on the 29th, parts of New Orleans still look the same.

  9. At this rate it will be here by 2015...

    F*cking American politicians!

  10. I think that prince william will be world dictator by 2015, not sure about a world war though, I think we are too developed for that now.  

  11. hopefully

  12. yeah it started on 9-11-01

  13. I think not.

    More likely is a world infested by terrorist factions blighting the developed world with dirty bombs made from uranium supplied by Mr Ahmedinajad.  

    He'd be wise to avoid the temptation though don't you think?  Its hardly rocket science to figure out where they got it from, and he'll be sure to be getting a visit from Uncle Sam (and he's a devil of a chap to get rid of once he's got his feet under the table!)

  14. depends who america elects... the ex soldier or the man wanting a change (in american foreign policy and economy)...  

  15. yes i think it will be in 2011 by iran

  16. By 2020 I would say.

  17. yay !! wars !! they'll prolly train the soldiers on call of duty or ghost recon .. whoa ok bye

  18. Sure?

    There be one around in time?

    Decode this lyrics " It's a Final Countdown"

    The misery was exposed by the mystery of us-911 in time.

    Decode this lyrics " Don't know much - about misery"

    Look in the real world.

    On what went wrong out there in time.

    Decode this lyrics "Who will save the world"

    Notice any unusual happenings in 2007?

    Running out of non-rechargeable batteries?

    Revelation 22.13-17

    Will be follow by 2013?

    With more casualties in 2038.?

    Can living human kind survive until the next century with what went wrong out there in time?

    After getting hit on the head with the Book of the Dead?

    Without having the Book of the Living?

    Do we need to "Tie up a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree"

    Exodus 20.5

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    Luke 21.30-33

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  19. Many think tanks believe so. And it will be over water, not oil.

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