
Will there be a World War 3?

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I'm not guaranteeing there will be one, but I want to hear peoples predictions. Questions I have is who it would be between and whether it would be nuclear or not. What do you think?




  1. Yes.

    If the Iranian Mullahs and Ayatollahs succeed at buying the technology to enrich Uranium to weapons grade, the Iranian Mullahs and Ayatollahs will start World War III.

  2. I think there will be.

    All of the prophets from a long time ago.

    Said there will be wars, and rumors of wars.

    I don't know if this is a World War 3.

    But I think so.

  3. It could be 28 minutes from now or 280 years from now. When the superpowers square off against each other in two camps, then come back and we'll talk workd war 3.

    Until then, just think regional conflicts, wars between rump states, proxy wars and brinksmanship. If you recall the Yom Kippur War in 1973, a coalition of Arab States (Egypt, Syria and Jordan) were soundly defeated by the Israelis. That was a worse situation than the current conflict and it didn't raise a blip on the world war radar (not that it didn't have the potential to spark a global war).

    The next World War will involve a nuclear exchange, how could it not. In the first 30 minutes, nearly a billion people will have been vaporised, mostly in the US, Russia, Europe, China and Japan. Another 1.5 billion will die shortly thereafter from radiation poisoning. The northern hemisphere will be plunged into prolonged agony and barbarity.

    Eventually the nuclear winter will spread to the southern hemisphere and all plant life will die. You ask when is the apacolypse, you are asking when will we commit global suicide. My answer is it won't happen soon because the larger superpowers are more rational than the rump states in the middle east.

    Our biggest risk is an accidental launch of nukes by one of the nuclear powers.

  4. I can't say if there will be a World War 3, but if there is. There won't be anyone around to fight a World War 4.

  5. Eventually, yes. WW III will be fought with nuclear weapons, WW 4 will be fought with clubs and stones.

    EDIT; Here's the quote I was looking for,

    Albert Einstein's : "I know not what World War Three will be fought with, but World War Four will be fought with sticks and stones."

  6. Of course there will be a third world war. If its nuclear, odds are there won't be a fourth.  

  7. It all depends on Iran!

  8. yes.  i can only hope i die before it starts

  9. No.

  10. We never know what the future may hold. Who knows? Maybe North Korea and South Korea will become one country tommorow! or Maybe someone spots Osama Bin Laden! (it would be funny if it actually happened).

  11. Probably, the Middle East is still odds on to get it started. If America backs Israel in some atrocity against Palestinians or other Arabs or an Ally of Russia like Iran (to be occupied as Iraq has been under false pretenses).

    Star Wars is a forgotten danger with the US attempting to install units in the Czech Republic right now against Russia's wishes. It was after all the US placing ICBM's in Turkey in '61 that led to Soviet retaliation and stationing of nukes in Cuba in '62 that brought us closest so far.

    Not a lot of Americans learn any history from other perspectives.

  12. Yes, Its not a question of will there or will there not its a matter of when. Were humans its in our nature.  

  13. It is possible to be nuclear.  We are in an age that nuclear weapons no longer have to be launched to be used on one's opponent.  Suitcase nukes are an interesting aspect of this, because it would allow a country to use a nuclear weapon without a positive trace to its source.  The US, in particular, could use Delta to covertly penetrate the border of our enemy and blow a suitcase nuke without anyone knowing who detonated the bomb.  I see that as a possible WWIII situation.

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