
Will there be a end to global warming?

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Will there be a end to global warming?




  1. Sadly to say the answer is "No". People know what they are doing and know where they are leading Earth to, but they still use more and more plastic bags, throw more plastic bags, buy bigger cars and install more air con. The populations is increasing and people will just continue what they do after watching "The inconvenient truth". With Best Regard.

  2. Yes.  In one of two ways.

    We proceed with a thoughtful plan to reduce global warming and deal with the remaining unavoidable effects.  It costs some bucks, but nothing awful.  Life goes on pretty much as before.  In 50 years, man's contribution to warming is small.  In a few hundred years the planet gets back to normal.  The plan is suggested here:

    We do nothing to stop global warming.  In a few hundred years the Earth also stabilizes itself, but at a very different level.  Warmer, drier other than at the poles, with sea levels up tens of feet.

    We've lost huge sums of money relocating people away from the coasts, replacing all the stuff we lost, and rebuilding our devastated agriculture.  We routinely deal with very severe storms, since heat fuels storms.  All in all we're a lot poorer and life is a lot harder.

    In poor countries agriculture was also devastated.  So many people (not all) died of starvation.  Rich countries couldn't help, they had their own problems.

    Pretty easy choice to me.

    There was no consensus about global cooling in the 70s:

    On Earth, it's not (primarily) the sun:

    Summaries of peer reviewed data proving global warming is real and mostly caused by us:

    which is why: and:

    "There's a better scientific consensus on this [climate change] than on any issue I know - except maybe Newton's second law of dynamics.  Global warming is almost a no-brainer at this point.  You really can't find intelligent, quantitative arguments to make it go away."

    Dr. Jerry Mahlman, NOAA

  3. Only if we the people can stop it no more polution no more fossil fuels we have to break the addiction

  4. global warming has 2 overall culprits.......

    *Man and his selfish use of the planet

    *The natural cycle of the planet (which is a cycle with an end)

    We can as Man do much to stop it ......

    We can not stop the cycle which is the Divine Plan Blueprint of the universe....

    If we did what we could to stop it, the effect would not be nearly so devastating and destructive. The planet will be greatly changed due to the natural cycle, but could be saved

    as it has sustained other such natural cycles in the past that

    changed the face of the landmasses as well as climate.

    Physics now proves we are One Inerconnected Energy called Consciousness...Everything  we do effect all other !

    We did not inherit the planet from our ancesters. We borrowed it from our children...

  5. I think so. The earth will be so covered with clouds and debris due to the lack of ozone and crazy weather that we will have a catastrophic ice age. I think the movie "The Day After Tomorrow" isn't so far fetched. Unless we so something radical, we must fear the end.

  6. No, you can't end global warming.

  7. Always a hot topic this.  We are dealing three things at once here: 1) pollution, 2)environmental degradation, and 3) global warming. It's not clear the amount of impact the first two have on the third.   To read a bit about the natural warm-cold cycles this planet  Earth goes through,  see:


    Now, knowing a few facts about the natural cycles, use critical thinking to figure the value of any of us joining a buffalo stampede.  Better to work very hard on items 1 and 2, for the sake of preserving the planet because it looks like we can do little about the major climate changes.  We are in it, but it's more natural than any fault of mankind.

  8. as long as there industry, and the reduction of trees there will be global warming.


  9. The Return of Jesus Christ

  10. Global warming in the past goeological eras have come and gone....Same way with ice ages....Check your Earth History...So this 1 will pass too!!!

  11. Certainly. You'll see another ice age if you live long enough.

  12. Do blizzards in April count as "global warming"? Just curious.

  13. Who said it began?? there is a lot of hype of global warming the truth be told this is just a neo-pagan religious movement that is sucking money out of the government.

  14. not "a" end. "an" end !!! Use correct grammar, stupid !!

  15. Skyhawk has it right.  You may not be old enough to remember but in the 1970's there was a major panic about global cooling as humans were then responsible for causing the earths core to cool or some other nonsense.

    Here are the factual numbers - interpret them as you wish.  In 1760 CO2 equaled 280 parts per million, or 0.028% of the total atmosphere.  In 1998 CO2 equaled 370 parts per million, or 0.037% of the total atmosphere.   You will hear Al Gore and similar state that the CO2 levels have dramatically increased over the last xx years.  That is true.  It is still a ridiculously small part of the total atmosphere.  

    However, I find it hard to believe that all the ice in the world is melting because the atmosphere now contains 0.037% CO2.   Put 999,730 marbles on 1 side of a scale, and 270 on the other.  Do those 270 really do anything?  Now move 110 over, pringing the total up to 380.  Think anything will happen?  No?  But that was an increase of 70%!!! See attached link that  references the UN's  global warming research.  They show that over the last 400,000 years the earth has undergone 4 global warming cycles.  At last count, we had 0 SUV's 400,000 years ago.

    Mars is undergoing "Global Warming" now, but at last count I think we have 2 SUVs how are humans causing that?

    Copy/paste either of these to see the original stories

    and pictures showing the receding glaciers on Mars.

    Photos may show Earth-like activity on Mars

    By Bruce Lieberman


    September 21, 2005

    Mars is still nothing like Earth, but earthquakes and

    global warming may be changing the face of the Red

    Planet, new NASA photos taken from orbit suggest.

    At Mars' south pole, an escarpment of frozen carbon

    dioxide has retreated nearly 10 feet a year over the

    past three summers.

    "It's evaporating now at a prodigious rate," said


    The significance of this is Mars is experiencing

    climate change, or has experienced climate change."

    Why Mars may be warming is a mystery, he said.

  16. Not if george w bush has anything to say about it

  17. probably not in our lifetime.

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