
Will there be a war in South America?

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Ecuador, Venezuela and Nicaragua- triple threat. These countries have said that they will go to the extremes to make Colomibia respect other countries' sovereignty. Colombia has not officially said sorry, and they are taking Chavez to the International Court to be tried for helping in the genocide of Colombians and for funding the FARCS. Some Latin American countries stand by Ecuador, others with Colombia. Some don't have much to say. The U.S backs Colombia. What do you think will happen?




  1. United States do not think there is a threat of war at all.  Nicaragua's president just severed ties with Colombia sending their ambassador home and recalling theirs back to Nicaragua.  I truly believe Nicaragua has done this in retaliation because they claim that the San Andres island (now part of Colombia for decades, given to them by United States) belongs to them and they are still battling it out in court at the Hague.

  2. No.

    Well, only if USA wants.

    You know, americans need to sell guns, airplanes, etc... The Iraqi war is going nowhere, so they need to create a new conflict.

    Oh, right, right...Americans are good, sure.

  3. History has tought us before that stayng on the viewer's side and wait to see what happens will only make the threat grow bigger! . . . . .  Remeber 1938.

    Today we are watching a growing threat with a lot of financial power. This threat is taking advantage of the corruptable Latin American goverments, offering inexhaustible amounts of money (logicaly comming from Cocaine drug smuggling), that's why the first intention was to control goverments of Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador and Colombia (where Cocaine is grown) succeeding in Bolivia and Ecuador (Peru nearly bit the bullet but was saved by very little), so now the other remaining target is Colombia until Peru's next elections.

    This is STAR WARS Episode III, the Senate teaming up to support the Emperor (HUGO CHAVEZ), and he already has brought to the dark side: Venezuela, Cuba, Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador, Nicaragua. Buying the few who are in power not caring on reflecting the voice of the people (Peru is still in danger when the next elections come in 2010).

    The inebitable is comming, wheter the US takes action right now or not . . . . . . .  I really hope I'm mistakig on this one because I live in Peru.

  4. It is begining to look like there could be a war.  The US backing Columbia, is ironic, because that's where all the good coke comes from.

  5. A lot of pissed off latin men threatening to kick each others a$$es...Sounds like friday night in most american cities...If there is a war are there enough men left to fight it??

  6. 1) there already is a war in S. America, it just isn't being called war.

    2) those countries have been fighting back and forth for a lot longer than our history books go back, and will continue to fight for quite a while, they just don't learn

    3) sadly, due to #2 above, many around the world simply could care less anymore what they do to each other

    4) due to the amount of drug traffic from those areas, few will shed any tears, also sad

    5) At the present moment, even though we are helping Columbia, there's no support at home here in the states to fight a second war on a second front; bad military strategy to do that anyway.  However, things can change.

    6) conclusion -- other powers just aren't going to do too much to stop them from killing each other, those countries will have to work it out themselves

  7. Colombia's not looking to start a war.  And if the other countries started a war, I hear Colombia would win.  So they're not likely to start one either.

  8. why don't they put this on tv? I'm so sick of only seeing Hillary and Obama SH#$. It gets real old. the media today sucks

  9. Since you've put this in travel, not politics, I assume you're worried if to visit South America or not? The truth is whatever precautionary measures you had to take before you should take now. Basically take care of avoiding thefts, and have travel insurance, there isn't always appropriate medical care available if you need it (but whatever there is is free fro everyone) War? I don't know, but in countries like Venezuela and Colombia there's been armed robbery for decades, I know coz I live there. If to visit or not? I think you should definitely go, and that way you can bring more accurate feedback home about how people really live in those countries, and why there is the political unrest that there is. It's not simple, don't count on the media, they only show what is convenient. By the way, I had never heard of candidate Ron Paul, except through Y/A and Youtube.. so there you go, that's the media.

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