
Will there be a war with Russia?

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Since Russia and Georgia are now at war, do you think US forces will get involved and protect Georgia against Russia, since Georgia has troops in Iraq and is an ally of the US. Or could this lead to a even bigger conflict than it is right now, involving many other countries?




  1. All our efforts will be diplomatic. For us to get involved in conflict with Russia would require their going beyond this local conflict and using some sort of pretext to take action in other Caucasian (the mountain range, not the race) nations.

    We'll give the diplomats a chance and demand cease-fire. We'll offer to broker peace and mediate the dispute. We'll send aid. If the conflict continues or if Russia appears to do more than its announced mandate of protecting Russian citizens in South Ossetia, we may take economic or trade actions (though we really need Russian oil).

    Given the current political climate and logistical reality, we won't be taking military action. The EU should step this up - the fact that Georgia sent 3,000 of its 22,000 troops to Iraq as our ally and yet constituted the second largest Coalition force in Iraq suggests to me that the EU really needs to take the lead on this one.

    In any event, there was never a reason for the Russians to have unilateral peacekeepers in South Ossetia - there should have been a NATO mission there. Even if they are ineffective, at the very least NATO would have been less biased than Russia, who considers Georgia as the PRC considers Taiwan.

  2. i think the events of today brought us very close to war with russia, i do believe we will have to institute another draft

  3. Definitely! The mobilization of troops has already started, and the draft has been reinstituted. Expect a letter from your local draft board very soon. I live outside Atlanta and there are Russian troops marching up and down my street carrying AK-47's. It's really scary.

  4. I think that the US Citizens won't be very happy if US gets involve and Congress will most likely deny war involvement  

  5. 1)  The US will avoid direct military confrontation with Russia because that would inevitably cause a nuclear war that would destroy human civilization on this planet.

    2)  The US will not place strict sanctions on Russia because the Europeans won't let us.  Russia controls much of the gas and oil going to Europe.

    3)  The US will probably provide weapons, money, training and other indirect assistance to Georgian patriots fighting Russian imperialism.

    DCK2003, The Russians have historically and to this day had horrible relations with China.  China, despite being communist, sided with the USA in the cold war.

  6. And do have any troops left after the USA invaded Afghanistan and Iraq?

    And then, do you really now what's going on there? Or you only read the US's media?

  7. I highly doubt the US will involve themselves in that one.  Russia has good relations with China.  China is vital to the US economy and has backed the sanctions the US has set forth against North Korea.

  8. well i guess the missile defense system the USA wanted to put in Georgia will have to be put on hold   LMAO

    hope your all ready,   World War 3 is coming real soon,  and to fight Russia the USA will have to reinstate the draft causing huge riots and civil uprisings all across the country at a time when the greenback is on the verge of collapsing    

  9. No the US will use the UN to try to bring an end to the Georgia, Russian conflict.  

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