
Will there be alot of people at six flags when there is a event happening in the evening?.?

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I was planning to go to six flags this thursday with my family, but I also had discovered there is a music event that evening with a guest FLO-RIDA??? Do you think there will a lot of people? Do you recommend flash passes or gold flash passes.. help




  1. Well flo rida has a hit song out right now so there will probably be a lot of ppl.There is also a lot of ppl at 6 flags in the summer regardless.Whichever pass is the one with no lines is the one to go with.But you still have to wait just not as long.

  2. I bet it will be a madhouse that night. Do you like Rap? If Flo Ridas playing it will be crowded

  3. Yeah, they're pretty popular, and since concerts are free with admission I'm guessing the park will be crowded. Don't go to the concert yourself though! When everyone starts pushing each other to get their front row view of the concert and are busy watching that for a couple hours, take advantage of the short waits! It will be the best time of the day to go on the rides! As far as the rest of the day, definately get a flash pass if you're not a fan of waiting in long lines. Last year I went to Six Flags on a busy, 90 degree day and it was a nightmare- 2 hour waits in line for Superman in the hot sun. . . not exactly my idea of family fun. Since you know it's going to be a crowded day, at least opt for the regular fast pass- it doesn't cut your wait but holds  your place in line electronically while you can go wait for some other ride- so it's kinda like you're in 2 lines at once. If you have the money, go for the gold pass- it cuts your wait by 75%!! Check this site out below for flash pass pricing. And remember, avoid that concert. . . don't even get near to the Starburst theatre! Have fun=)

  4. yes

  5. after 8:00pm most rides die down a bit. the ride i work at dies down completely. you should be fine. most people don't realize even if you jump in the line a second before it closes, you are still guaranteed a ride.

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