
Will there be an animal that develops inteligence like humans?

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Do you think there will in the following years to come.. an animal that could be as intelligent as ourselves and develop technology scientifically.. this is just a wild stab in the dark just wondering what peoples opinions are




  1. Honestly, I think we would kill them off before they were able to get that intelligent because at that point they could be a huge threat to us.  In the past there were two human-like creatures, homo erectus (which we descended from) and homo neanderthalis (aka neanderthals, which scientists previously thought we descended from, but we didn't).  Anyway, one of the theories about the extinction of neanderthalis was that erectus warred with them and killed them off.  And neanderthalis were actually fairly civilized (they even had burial rituals).  I think the outcome to your scenario would be similar.

  2. In my opinion, no. I don't believe that will happen.

  3. As long as humans are around, no.  We would out compete any start up long before they were near our intelligence level, probably without realizing it.

  4. If the so-called evolution theory is true, there is still a small chance that a certain type of animal will overcome the intelligence of man. It has been over a million years before we could have achieved this intelligence of ours (according to the so-called evolution) and still there are some individuals who are mentally incapable of doing things. So its very unlikely for that to happen.

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