
Will there be an earthquake today? (Cal.)?

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Do you think there will be an earthquake today? I mean, is that possible? I'm alone at home today, and I'm 15. I'm kind of scared if another one happens.

Yesterday was my first felt one, and..ahhhh! I'm scared.




  1. no one noes

  2. yes, many

  3. There are earthquakes everyday in California.  Many of them just can't be felt, or aren't recognizes as earthquakes by the general population.

    Check out the USGS earthquake map... You'll see just how many there really are on a daily basis.  So many, in fact, that worrying about them is kind of a waste of time.

  4. Ah you're just like me! I'm 15 and I was home alone yesterday (IN THE SHOWER!) when the earthquake happened and i'm home alone again. There is a possibilty of another earthquake happening, an aftershock, but there's no way to tell for sure. All I advice is to have a phone near you, stay out of the shower, and if your home is 2 stories and you're really worried about an earthquake, stay downstairs incase you want to be able to get out quickly. Also, some people claim that dogs start to act differently a few minutes before an earthquake sometimes so watch for that if you have dogs.

    I am extremely afraid of earthquakes after the one yesterday. I have lived in california my entire life and experienced many earthquakes, but being home alone, in the shower, scared me so much. I think I have a new phobia... I couldn't sleep last night... I had to keep the lights on.

    As long as you're prepared, you should be alright. =]

  5. I've lived in southern California for 32 years and every time we've had a medium sized quake, reports always come back saying another "aftershock" will hit us within 24 hours.  It is also generally reported that the aftershock will be bigger than the original earthquake.  I have only experienced this to be true on one occasion.  the Northridge quake in 1994, and the aftershock was not bigger than the actual quake, which measured 6.7.  Technically speaking, an "aftershock" will not be bigger than the original quake.  If there was a quake bigger than the original, the original would be called a foreshock.  Don't worry though, there could be small tremors but you won't likely even feel them.  

    If you are really concerned about it, get yourself a glass of water and fill it half way.  Keep it somewhere within your immediate viewing area.  It will give you the first sign that a tremor or aftershock is coming, giving you plenty of time to get to a safe place.

  6. Theres a 30% chance there will be one before 11:43 but after that its down to 1%.. so i think your gonna be ok! :]

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