
Will there be another investigation into Palin?

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Campaign money huts Palin's outsider image

AP Sept 2, 2008

GOP vice presidential pick Sarah Palin accepted at least $4,500 in campaign contributions in the same fund-raising scheme at the center of public corruption scandal that led to the indictment Sen. Ted Sevens (Bridge to Nowhere guy).;_ylt=AsS6Br1YwnrB3zYuilHvzMvph24cA




  1. Yet another reason not to vote for her.

  2. There always seems to be more.   I'm sure enough skeletons will be dug up from the closet in time for the election on both sides.  Palin is an easy target because she is brand new to the intense scrutiny on the world's stage.

  3. not why'll bush is in office.

  4. She should be.  It's not the amount of the contribution that is important, but it is what did she do to deserve the contribution.  I smell quid-pro-quo there.  

  5. this is so little money it hardly matters....

  6. I think the GOP is more concerned about her connections to Stevens.  He's on trial for corruption later this month.  Not good.

  7. I believe Republicans will want a nicey-nice exception made for poor little fragile Sarah Palin and they will expect that she not be held accountable for her own words and actions.

    If you get into the politics game, be ready for anything. At least people don't have to resort to lies and smears about her, they just tell what really happened and what she really did do and say. She and McCain are digging their own graves.

  8. I hope we hear about the Council for National Policy, which was the group that picked and vetted her.

  9. So, Obama is accepting contributions from muslims in Gaza.

  10. I like the part of the article that states:

    "The contributions, made during Palin's failed 2002 bid to become Alaska's lieutenant governor, were not illegal for her to accept."

    Why does this need to be investigated?  I don't see any caveat in any of the Obama/Rezko stories that indicate it was legal for him to accept money.  The same for the money he received from some foreign contributors.  All he did was say "I'm sorry" and "I'll give it back" or "donate it to charity."  How about we start an investigation into that?

  11. $4,500?...$4,500?

    OMG, that's scandalous!


    Surely you can do better than that

  12. That's how invesigations work.

    Whenever something is uncovered it prompts digging deeper.

    McCain swears she was well vetted.

    We shall see.If not it reflects badly on him.

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