
Will there be another series of Desperate Housewives?

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The way they finished the series, 5 years later, I dont think so




  1. Yes it comes back on the 28th (sept) at 9. Can't wait!

  2. The rumors have already begun to spin about why they did a five years gap but you'll be pleased to know that the next season will use it's first few episodes to explain where things made a turn for each of the ladies from westeria Lane.

    Due to fan outrage the new season will be starting a lot sooner then regular (by about a month).  

  3. I just read in ok magazine that the show advanced 5 years already. That Teri Hatcher has two hyper active kids and she loves playing the role as well. If they keep this up they will lose fans..

  4. Yeah...there's definitely gonna be a next season. Lots of things change though....Susan and Mike are no longer together...Katherine is officially one of the girls...Bree is a famous chef/cook-book writer etc.

    It's gonna be so good...the season starts in September 2008.

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