
Will there be any teams next season who try to copy the Wing's style of play?

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If so, take a shot at which teams are most likely to do so

Any teams that might be successful at pulling it off?




  1. NY Rangers will probably try to do it.

    They actually did try to do something like theirs in the beginning of the season and it was actually working,they were 2nd in the conference but they tried to go more of the offensive approach and went down the drain but made up around halfway in the season and made the playoffs.

  2. yes.

  3. With varying degrees of success, I'm sure a lot of teams already have. Most just come up a bit short on the speed the Wiings have and therefore it doesn't work as well in transition. Take Philly for an example, when ever they got in trouble with Montreal, they also had all five guys down around the net creating a five on three in their defensive zone. Detroit just had more speed and creativity on breaking out once they gained posession of the puck. Coaching and experience played a pretty big part as well.

  4. every team is diff

    im sure alot of teams try to collapse like the red wings do

  5. Like NIPS said, it will be hard to do w/o the talent AND the mindset.

    Not all teams are good at that style of play. I always thought the '94 Rangers were one of the best (if not the best) at the dump and chase style of Hockey. I've not seen anyone do it as well as they did.

  6. Montreal. Bob Gainey is slowly building another scary monster, piece by piece.

  7. Im sure every team will be trying to copy their style of play, obviously who wouldn't.

    I doubt that they could compare to the Red Wing's style of play.

    Teams like Pittsburgh, Buffalo, Montreal, Toronto are most likely to look at their style. I think out of those teams.. Montreal could relate to their style.

  8. Pittsburgh tried it and it didnt work. EVERYONE on the team has to be a two-way player. The only ones on the WINGS that werent two-way players are Hudler and McCarty and Lilja (Chelios)!

    If someone tries to copy their style and meets them for a 7 game series... they are toast! Ask Pittsburgh.

  9. Thats hard to do.The smothering defense and no look passes.These things come to teams who are together for years and mesh a style into a habit.I am so amazed that they flow together so well.I can think of 29 teams that will try though.Pulling it off is another thing.

  10. It's difficult to copy the Red Wings style of play unless you are able to draft all-star European talent in the 7th round.

  11. Unless teams have players who are willing to learn how to play both sides of the ice then none of them will be succesful.

    Pittsburgh played the most similar to Detroit but their players are arrogant and refuse to play both sides of the ice.

    In closing, no matter how hard a team tries to mimic the Redwings they will not be succesful unless their players understand how important it is to play a 2 way game (offense and defense). It took Steve Yzerman at least 2 years to change his game and when he did the Wings became winners.

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